6 Things Everyone Suspected Of A Crime Should Know

Society Arnab Dey Legal 26 January 2023 3 Mins Read

For a suspect, the first few days following being accused of a crime can be a hazy time.

You may have to interact with police enforcement officials, legal professionals, and possibly corrections officers.

Here Are Six Prime Things Everyone Suspected Of A Crime Should Know

Suspected Of A Crime

You might not know where you’re heading or why. If you are under suspicion of committing a crime, Then the information in this article will be helpful to you.

1. Arguing your case with the police officer will get you nowhere

If a police officer has probable cause to arrest you, it doesn’t matter whether the officer believes you’re innocent or guilty. The officer must have reasonable suspicion that you committed the crime to initiate the arrest without a warrant.

You are, at best, wasting your breath if you try to convince the arresting officer of your innocence. It’s possible that you’re making incriminating remarks that will haunt you down the road.

Any statements made to the arresting officer can be used as evidence. The most prudent course of action is silence.

Find local attorneys to get you out of these sticky issues. If you need the assistance of a lawyer related to these issues in Orlando, find the best criminal defense lawyers Orlando to get maximum help.

2. Giving up to a police officer’s demand is optional

Always comply with the law enforcement officer’s reasonable requests, but remember to assert your own rights under the Constitution.

Always make sure you know if a police officer is offering you a command or a request before answering their questions or carrying out their requests.

Police officers are taught to persuade the public to waive their rights by making requests in a commanding tone.

3. You must always follow the instructions of law enforcement

Even if the police are unlawfully detaining or arresting you, it is still against the law in almost every state to ignore their orders.

The purpose of this regulation is to prevent civilians from getting into violent encounters with law enforcement officials who may be armed with lethal force.

Your cooperation with law enforcement is required if they issue an order for you to execute an action or take any other steps toward placing you under arrest.

Never get into an argument or confrontation with law enforcement officers. Contact your criminal defense attorney as soon as possible in order to pursue legal action against the responsible police personnel.

4. Even the innocent can be sentenced to prison

People often think they are in the clear if they haven’t committed any wrongdoing. The opposite is true.

When up against the might of the state, even the most innocent of people risk grave danger. The truth is always elusive and frequently contradictory.

What one person hears as an insinuation of guilt, another may hear as completely innocent. Every criminal trial treads on dangerous territory because everyone is guilty of something.

5. You have no right under the constitution to make a phone call from within a prison

Defendants commonly allege that the police violated their “right” to make a phone call because they were interrogated. To make a phone call soon after being arrested is not a guaranteed constitutional right.

While police, a jail, or a lock-up facility may be required by state legislation or administrative rules to allow an arrested person to make a call, the Constitution does not mandate such privileges.

6. Make a short call

This is extremely important because all police stations are required to record calls like these, and the prosecution will undoubtedly request a copy of the tape.

Stay away from talking about what led up to your arrest or what happened during this first phone contact. Don’t bother defending your innocence or offering an explanation for your arrest. Just say where you’re being held and what the charges are (if you know them).

Get some advice on hiring a good lawyer to represent you in criminal court. Only provide your friend or family member with the information they need to locate you.


Just because the police have suspected you doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong.

Any time a police officer stops you or conducts a search, they must have a valid reason and explain it to you. So, you don’t have to worry much about getting into trouble, like being suspected of a crime.

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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