What Is Vegan Leather & Why You Should Pick It Over Regular One

Deepanwita Dey Lifestyle 22 February 2024 9 Mins Read
what is vegan leather

What exactly is vegan leather? 

Vegan leather is a material that resembles leather in appearance and texture but has nothing whatsoever to do with animal products. 

This is indeed a perfect alternative to using animal skins. Considering the pain and horror these poor creatures already go through during various animal testing.

One can produce vegan leather through eco-friendly materials, from corks to pineapple fibers. Other means of producing them are mushrooms and even recycled plastics.

In this excerpt below, we will look into what vegan leather is and, most importantly, why you should choose it as a substitute.

What Is Vegan Leather Made Of?

What Is Vegan Leather Made Of

Vegan leather is Polyurethane (PU). This practice develops a long-lasting, waterproof material that looks like genuine leather. The other well-known option is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinyl. 

Vegan PVC leathers are flexible and can imitate many textures!

However, it is not always fashion and vanity why people might purchase vegan leather. The increase in vegan leather’s popularity is due to the benefits it provides from animal welfare.  

When you decide on cruelty-free options, you are advocating for ethical fashion decisions that do not involve any form of animal abuse or exploitation.

Keeping morality aside, vegan leather possesses equal amounts of durability and quality when facing other types. 

Due to technological advancements, manufacturers can produce synthetic materials that provide long-term performance, like natural leathers. Many vegan leathers also have great wear resistance while remaining intact for years. Making it quite the budget-friendly option as opposed to natural leather (which can be quite expensive)

Afterall, while keeping the animal’s hide intact, the world of vegan leather has seen a boom in chic options!

Whether you are looking for a sophisticated handbag or an elegant jacket – they have it all! 

Fortunately, designers welcome this eco-friendly option with open arms and without compromising their style or luxury.

However, there is still a matter of maintenance with which everyone is concerned. Since your vegan leather products will serve you long, you must maintain them. 

The cleaning process may differ depending on the material applied. However, using a soft cloth or sponge, most synthetic leathers can be simply cleaned with mild soap and water. You must also refrain from exposing your vegan leather items to much heat or sunlight.

What Is Vegan Leather & Why It Is Important? (The Animal Welfare Angle)

What Is Vegan Leather & Why It Is Important

When we ask what is vegan leather, we are often worried about the synthetic material it is made of.

Therefore, is the hype correct?

Is it really that important?

Vegan leather providesynthetic, cruelty-free substitute for genuine leather but is crucial in reducing the adverse effects on animals.

Animal treatment in the beauty and fashion industry will always remain a concern for activists. This is why they cannot stress enough the importance of vegan leather. 

Conventional leather production means killing tons of animals for their skins. Not only is it morally disturbing, but also environmentally unsuitable. Alternatively, vegan leather is produced from synthetic materials like Polyurethane or other plant-based products.

Individuals often support animals by preferring vegan leather over genuine skin products. It allows consumers to enjoy stylish accessories without violating their values. 

Therefore, it is safe to say that vegan leather is more of a choice for a thoughtful consumer than a vain one.

The Fashion Angle

The Fashion Angle

Animal leather is costly and requires a high level of maintenance, which can again pull at your budget. Therefore, it is perfect for someone who plans to go more towards sustainability. 

It is also superior to its conventional alternative when it comes to quality. The advent of technology and manufacturing methodology allows vegan leather to be just as durable and stylish as genuine leather. They can even tolerate everyday use and are highly flexible in appearance.

It is for someone mindful enough not to spend all their money on real leather, only for a saturated status symbol!

Being Environmentally Conscious

Being Environmentally Conscious

If you are asking what is vegan leather, you should have heard the following rumors!

Vegan leather is plastic. It looks cheap and can never recreate the style of real leather. 

Remember – Vegan leather is an environmentally conscious option that even global fashion brands are adopting now.

Even high-end luxury labels and affordable fast-fashion brands provide many ethical options for those who want to dress while keeping a few principles in mind.

Taking care of your vegan leather products is also simple! 

You can clean them using mild soap and water or wipes specially designed for these synthetic materials. This simplifies maintenance, far from treating regular leather with special products and polishes.

For real leather, you might have to take these products to a professional to get them polished sometimes.

Yes, you can say goodbye to these unnecessary extravagances and welcome a more budget-friendly fashion.

Impact on Animal Welfare

Impact on Animal Welfare

In the past, the process of producing leather was through using hides from animals, mostly cows or other livestock bred purely for their skins. We all know that vegan products are in high demand, especially for certain designer brands. Therefore, to meet the demand for animal products, it further adds to the torture of animals.

By choosing vegan leather, it will be possible to avoid participating in this vicious circle of harm!

Furthermore, by selecting vegan leather, you are telling the fashion world that people want products for which animals were not killed. This may result in many firms shifting from conventional leather production methods to more sustainable and ethical options.

Changing to vegan leather enables you to show sympathy towards animals while maintaining stylish and quality products. Therefore, you are not in any way compromising on what is important. 

This is a win-win deal that benefits you and our furry friends!

Durability and Quality Comparison

Durability and Quality Comparison

Whenever one chooses any type of leather, be it vegan or regular, the considerations should always include durability and quality. When discussing the longevity of vegan leather versus that of real leather, several aspects must be considered.

Vegan leather is made from artificial materials such as PU or PVC, which are very durable in nature. 

Although natural leather is also durable and tough, there are a few factors to keep in mind. Being more traditional, normal leather can be durable with the right maintenance. Nevertheless, not all regular leathers are the same. In fact, the quality of the leather can differ based on factors like the type of animal, tanning process, and treatment procedures.

The quality comparison between vegan leather and regular leather may vary in terms of personal likes or dislikes. 

Although others like the natural appearance and sensation of real leather, some individuals are pleased that premium vegan substitutes can mimic similar aesthetics without being ethically compromised. However, they still have questions regrading the material, this is why they keep asking what is vegan leather.

The fact is, in terms of vanity and fashion, both have their skyrocketing benefits. Therefore, consumerism for vegan leather comes down to animal welfare issues versus the traditional appeal of craftsmanship.

What Is Vegan Leather – Fashionable Choices For Vegan Leather

Fashionable Choices For Vegan Leather

No, you do not have to compromise when it comes to vegan leather.

Since traditionally both fashion and makeup brands have used animals for their own gain.

Colorful Options!

For fashion-conscious shoppers, vegan leather is no longer just an option between black and brown. Designer brands now also provide ample of stylish options for the ethically aware customer.

Colorful vegan leather is a common choice. Whether it is a vibrant blue or a bold red, you will find an array of shades that can give any outfit a new kick!

With these colorful alternatives, you can express yourself quite fashionably while remaining true to ethical values.

Love With Textures!

Textured finishes are another trendy option in vegan leather. 

You can get everything from embossed patterns such as snake/crocodile to the distressed looks that give the street style a worn-in feel.

Yes, you can find vegan leathers that bear the patterns and texture of real animal hide (…without harming these poor creatures). All the sophistication and even luxury without compromising your convictions.

Accessories Too!

You can now buy classic accessories in the new vegan leather fashion!

We are talking studded jackets, fringed handbags, or even metallic finishes. 

The fashion industry knows well that the current population wants cruelty-free options and is doing its best to offer the same.

What Is Vegan Leather – Caring For Your Vegan Leather

What Is Vegan Leather - Caring For Your Vegan Leather

Amidst all the vegan leather discussion, we have to talk about maintenance.

It is an excellent choice to switch to more cruelty-free leather items. However, is the hype worth the maintenance?

So, here is a maintenance guidebook for maintaining vegan leather.

  • You should take proper care of your vegan leather products to prolong their life and ensure that they maintain the same glossy look
  • Always consult the product label or manufacturer’s directions for individual cleaning instructions. Some vegan leathers might need special care, while others can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • To get rid of dirt or stains from your vegan leather items, use a soft cloth soaked in mild soap and water solution. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that would destroy the material.
  • For an added layer of protection against moisture and dirt, use a specific waterproof spray for synthetic materials. This will keep liquids away and stop stains from settling into the fabric.
  • If your vegan leather products are not in use, store them somewhere cool and dry. Especially away from direct sources of heat. This will prevent fading and discoloration over time.
  • Be aware not to expose your vegan leather products to extreme temperatures or high humidity since it can result in bending and cracking.

Yes, you have to deal with the misconceptions of vegan leather!

Yes, you have to deal with the misconceptions of vegan leather!

Once you know the answer to what is vegan leather, it is time to debunk the myths!

Every good thing has a controversial reputation!

Myth #1

There are some misconceptions about vegan leather, which clearly distort people’s perception. A major misconception is that vegan leather lacks the durability or quality of traditional leather. This could be far from true!

Vegan leather has improved tremendously in terms of quality and durability. Today, there are vegan leather products that are at least as durable, if not more so than their animal counterparts. Even luxury brands have begun to use vegan leather due to its quality and not just to attract customers.

Myth #2

Whenever you ask what vegan leather is, you will come across this myth.

Vegan leather does not have fashionable alternatives.

Given the fact that a lot of people believe if they opt for cruelty-free options, their style will suffer. However, this is nothing near to the truth.

From our array of fashionable options in terms of colors and textures given enough, we can easily debunk that myth.

Myth #3

A major myth surrounding vegan leather is that it has a negative environmental impact. Anyone can say that faux leather is polluted since it appears fake in today’s developments in green practices within the industry.

Some might even say that vegan leather is just another plastic form we should avoid!

Although it is a form of plastic, polyurethane has a lower toxicity level than regular PVC. (Source)

Yes, they cannot be recycled because of their manufacturing compound. However, a mindful consumer will always know how to reuse items or years (…with proper maintenance) if they cannot recycle an item. 

However, you do not always have to use vegan leather made of Polyurethane. Pineapple leaves and other vegetative materials can also be used to make the alternative. Plus, just imagine the carbon footprint you will be reducing.

Let’s not fall for these myths and stop ourselves from being thoughtful consumers. Why not educate us and others about these misconceptions so we can make conscious decisions when shopping for our wardrobes? 

It is about time we accept this technology!

What Is Vegan Leather – Why Vegan Leather Is the Better Choice than Regular

Why Vegan Leather Is the Better Choice than Regular

By selecting vegan leather over normal leather, you can contribute to becoming a better citizen. 

Especially when not all real leather is genuine leather with thick skin. If you cannot spare the money to buy genuine leather, you are simply paying for thin leather. Its durability will last for only a year or two. 

On the other hand, technological advancements are allowing vegan leather to be thicker and more durable. To ensure you do not have to discard them and create more waste.

Making the switch to vegan leather allows you to create a more ethical wardrobe while enjoying all the benefits that come with it.

Hopefully, we were able to give you a clear answer to what vegan leather is.

This is your chance to choose compassion without sacrificing quality! Stride everything in a trendy and sensitive fashion. Choose vegan leather!

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