Dog Pulling On The Leash: Effects Of Restraint By A Neck Collar Vs. A Chest Harness

Society Arnab Dey Pets & Animals 21 July 2023 3 Mins Read
Neck Collar

Walking a dog on a leash is an essential part of responsible pet ownership. However, many dog owners struggle with their dogs pulling on leashes during walks, which can be both frustrating and potentially harmful to the dog’s well-being.

To address this issue, various types of restraints are available, with the most common options being neck collars and chest harnesses. This article explores the effects of restraining a dog with a neck collar versus a chest harness, considering their impact on the dog’s comfort, safety, and overall walking experience.

Comfort And Well-being

When it comes to comfort, chest harnesses have several advantages over neck collars and are one prime tool of a dog training kit. Neck collars, especially those made of rigid materials, can cause discomfort and potentially harm the dog’s neck if the dog pulls forcefully.

In contrast, chest harnesses distribute the force across the dog’s chest and shoulders, which are sturdier and less prone to injury. This can significantly reduce the strain on the dog’s neck and provide a more comfortable walking experience.

Additionally, chest harnesses often have padded straps that further enhance the dog’s comfort. The padding can prevent rubbing and chafing on the skin, minimizing the risk of discomfort or skin irritations that may occur with neck collars. By prioritizing the dog’s comfort, a chest harness can help create a positive association with walking on a leash, making the experience more enjoyable for both the dog and the owner.

Safety Considerations

The safety of the dog is of utmost importance during walks, and the choice between a neck collar and a chest harness can have a significant impact. When a dog pulls on a neck collar, the pressure is concentrated around the neck and throat area, which can potentially lead to tracheal damage or other respiratory issues, especially if the pulling is excessive or prolonged. Certain breeds, such as brachycephalic (short-nosed) dogs, are particularly prone to respiratory problems and should avoid neck collars altogether.

In contrast, a chest harness spreads the pressure across the dog’s chest and shoulders, avoiding any potential harm to the sensitive neck area. This distribution of force can be particularly beneficial for dogs that are prone to pulling, as it reduces the risk of injury and discomfort.

Additionally, chest harnesses often have a back attachment for the leash, which allows for better control over the dog’s movements and reduces the likelihood of the dog slipping out of the restraint. The dog harness bundle provides a better selection technique for multiple selection of harnesses.

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Training And Behavioral Considerations

Using a chest harness for dogs that pull on the leash can also facilitate training and behavior modification. Neck collars may inadvertently reinforce pulling behavior, as the discomfort caused by the collar can create a negative association with the walk.

Dogs might pull even harder to escape the uncomfortable sensation around their necks. In contrast, a chest harness enables a more balanced distribution of force, reducing the likelihood of reinforcing pulling behavior.

Moreover, some chest harnesses have front attachments for the leash, located at the center of the dog’s chest. This design encourages dogs to face their owners when they pull, redirecting their attention back to the owner rather than forging ahead. The front attachment discourages pulling and promotes loose leash walking, making it easier to train the dog to walk politely on a leash.


When it comes to restraining a dog during walks, the choice between a neck collar and a chest harness can significantly impact the dog’s comfort, safety, and overall walking experience. While neck collars have their place in certain situations, such as identification purposes, chest harnesses offer numerous advantages when it comes to walking dogs that pull on leash.

By opting for a chest harness, dog owners can create a positive association with walking on a leash, promote better leash manners, and enhance the bond between themselves and their furry companions. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that walking becomes an enjoyable activity for both the dog and the owner, fostering a healthy and active lifestyle for our four-legged friends.

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