What Is Marketing Management? 8 Marketing Concept You Must Know

published on: 14 December 2021 last updated on: 23 May 2022
Marketing Management

Marketing Management discovers new opportunities in the market and develops strategies for economically exploiting those opportunities. So, you must create a marketing strategy and analyze the marketing mix’s efficacy on a regular basis. 

You must also correct the flaws found in implementing marketing strategies, rules, and procedures. As it is in charge of its product launching system, the entire revenue process depends upon it. So, keep on scrolling down and exploring the standard marketing concepts of this year with us.

What Is Marketing?


Marketing is the corporate function in charge of determining the volume and content of market demand. It is responsible for generating and maintaining demand for the organization’s goods and services.

Markets have traditionally been thought of as where sellers and purchasers trade products and services for mutual gain. However, marketing is now defined as a value exchange between the vendor and the buyer. The term “value” refers to the worth of the items and services being exchanged. If the things are valuable to the customer, he will be willing to pay for them.

What Is Marketing Management?

The definition of marketing management is the process of planning, organizing, regulating, and implementing marketing programs, policies, strategies, and tactics. It is done to develop and fulfill the demand for its products or services to earn a profit margin.

All managerial activities in the realm of marketing are performed by Marketing Management. Marketing Management is the creative management function that promotes commerce and employment by identifying customer demands and beginning research and development to fulfill them, according to the Institute of Marketing Management in England. 

Marketing Management Importance

  1. It’s critical to a company’s success because it identifies the most effective strategies to reach out to customers and increase sales. In addition, businesses need excellent marketing tactics to attract new consumers and retain existing ones to be competitive in their field.
  1. It coordinates the resources for manufacturing and distributing goods and services and determines and directs the overall effort necessary to sell to the end-user economically.
  1. Why is marketing management important? Based on previous experience selling to various audiences, marketing management assists new organizations in finding a niche or expanding into several sectors. 
  1. The importance of marketing management depends on company reputation. Marketing management connects a company with those audiences to develop a company’s reputation, advertising, and consumer involvement. 
  1.  You may evaluate client interactions and purchase habits as your marketing plan evolves from learning more about your ideal consumer and how to stimulate their interest in your products or services.

Marketing Concepts You Should Know About

Every part of marketing, from understanding a customer’s wants and needs through product planning, pricing, development, and promotion, necessitates the need for marketing management. Let’s find out the most standard marketing management concepts here;

#1: Customer-Centric Selling Approach

Consumers are at the center of all marketing efforts. The concept of a customer-centric selling approach is to create what the market wants. The primary goal of marketing is to acquire new clients and keep existing ones. But, marketing management aims to turn potential clients into real customers.

The company achieves this goal by identifying customers’ requirements, and by offering them relevant services and products in accordance with their desires, at the proper time, and through a convenient channel.

#2: Analyzing Customer Needs

Analyzing Customer Needs

The primary role of marketing management is to identify the requirements and desires of customers. This necessitates the gathering, analyzing, and reporting of data relevant to marketing efforts on a regular and systematic basis. 

Marketing as a management process aids in comprehending the demands wants preferences and behavior of consumers concerning the firm’s marketing mix plans. This further helps in the predicting and planning of future actions.

#3: The Product Needs To Consider Societal Welfare

The societal marketing idea is a new one that stresses societal well-being. It’s founded on the premise that, regardless of a company’s sales goals, marketers have a moral obligation to sell ethically to promote what’s suitable for people above what people may want. 

The fast-food sector is an example of the type of problem that the social notion of marketing management seeks to solve. Fast food is in high demand in our society, yet it is heavy in fat and sugar that hampers our health. Even though the business is catering to current consumer wishes, it undermines our society’s objective of environmental sustainability.

#4: A Solid Marketing Framework

Marketing Framework

Marketing is more than just the sale and transfer of ownership of products and services from the manufacturer to the end-user. Instead, it entails several tasks, including market research, manufacturing, development, innovation, advertising, promotion pricing, selling and distribution, customer relationship management, and after-sales support.

These functional marketing areas must be well-planned, organized, and constructed to obtain the best outcomes to obtain the best results. The marketing management structure is determined by the size of the company, its geographic reach, the number of product lines, the type of the product, and the size of its consumers.

#5: Organizational Objectives Are The Cornerstone Of Marketing

All marketing activities are guided by the organization’s overall goals. The marketer bridges the gap between the broader organizational goals of high profit and sales maximization and the consumer’s desire to have their needs met.

Therefore, if you are the head of marketing management in an organization, you must identify your organizational objectives and align them with your marketing plan. Failing to do so will result in unmet goals, which will, in turn, hamper the long-term vision of the company. 

#6: Promotional and Communication process

A company’s ultimate goal is to maximize sales volume and profit. This may be accomplished through product and service marketing and communication. TIn addition, this marketing management role allows the company to supply customers with product information.

If the product information is insufficient, it will discourage customers from buying that product. Therefore, even the marketing heads should also engage with customers through omnichannel platforms to always stay in touch with the consumers. It will enable the customers to remain loyal to your brand when purchasing something.

#7: Controlling of Activities

Marketing management is responsible for overseeing marketing efforts. In addition, marketing management assesses the efficiency of marketing employees and programs and the efficacy of marketing efforts. This procedure entails comparing actual results to the standard, discovering variances, and taking remedial action.

Your operational activities will never be structured enough to guide your audience in the purchasing journey if you don’t put your marketing efforts in the right direction. Once you identify the loopholes in your marketing campaign, you can make the necessary adjustments.

#8: Product Innovation 

Product Innovation

The product concept assumes that consumer buying patterns are not influenced by availability or price and that customers value quality, innovation, and performance over cheap cost using a QMS software you’ll avoid this kind of situation that could jeopardize your entire operation. As a result, this marketing management approach emphasizes product innovation the most.

For example, Apple’s target demographic expects the company’s new releases with bated breath. Many people will not compromise solely to save money, even if off-brand items contain the same features as an iPhone at a lower cost.  However, if a marketer relies exclusively on this idea, he may miss out on people who are equally influenced by availability and pricing.


1: What Is The Role Of Marketing Management?

Ans: Business marketing management is in charge of a company’s brand promotion and positioning and the items and services it offers. Marketing managers are often hired to increase brand recognition and attract new consumers by creating marketing efforts.

2: What Are The Marketing Management Functions?

Ans: The functions of market management revolve around selling a product, transporting it, buying, and assembling it, financing it, standardizing it, taking risks, and gathering market information. The marketing and management functions differ from one another, but when combined, their duties overlap each other.

3: Is Marketing A Good Career Option?

Ans: Marketing is obviously an exciting profession. It thrives on innovation, change, and cutting-edge technology. But, regardless of which marketing position you choose, you can anticipate a diverse work structure, a decent work-life balance, a good salary, and lots of innovation opportunities.


Management is the process of making and managing decisions. Planning, decision-making, organizing, directing, coordinating, forecasting, and managing are all aspects of marketing management.

In addition, organizations continually design, create, and innovate products and services to suit changing consumer demand, taste, and preferences. So, if you want to know more about marketing management benefits, let us know in the comment box.

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