Why Is It Healthy To Eat Three Meals A Day?

published on: 25 August 2023 last updated on: 04 October 2024

For decades, nutrition experts have recommended eating three square meals per day as an important part of a healthy diet. While trendy intermittent fasting diets have challenged that wisdom recently, there are still numerous benefits to sticking with a traditional pattern of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

This article explores why consuming three daily meals can be optimal for energy, performance, and overall well-being.

What Are The 3 Meals Needed In A Day?

Well, up till now, you might have got an idea what I am talking about. 3 meals of the day refer to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But a lot of people keep asking me what’s the ideal duration of each one and how much gap should be left. So, in order to give you a comprehensive understanding, I have listed the following breakdown: 


An individual must consume breakfast within one or two hours of waking up in the morning. Different places have people eating a varied type of breakfast. But an ideal diet chart for breakfast includes cereals, milk, fruits, muffins, bread, peanut butter, and a hint of waffles. 


Lunch is consumed anywhere between 12 pm to 3 pm. In certain places, this meal is called on the basis of its content. An ideal lunch can be anything your location specializes in. For example, northern Asia mainly thrives on rice for lunch, whereas Western countries are big fans of steaks and hams. 


This meal is particularly consumed in the evening. A lot of English speakers call it supper, too. A full-course dinner might consist of salad, meat, soup, and the infamous dessert. When it comes to formal dining, a full-course dinner might include various courses altogether. 

Eating 3 Meals In A Day: Associated Health Benefits

As per a lot of experts, consuming breakfast helps in burning fat, whereas consuming 5-6 small meals might cause your metabolism to slow down. So, to clear up all your confusion, here are a few benefits that are associated with eating three meals each day:

Promotes Regular Eating Habits

Promotes Regular Eating Habits

Adhering to consistent mealtimes helps the body establish a natural rhythm. Eating at roughly the same hours each day reinforces healthy habits and portion control. It also discourages snacking outside designated meal windows.

Irregular eating patterns often lead to overeating or feeling ravenously hungry if too many hours pass between meals. Spacing meals 4 to 6 hours apart supplies a steady stream of nutrients. The structure also makes it easier to choose healthy options each time you refuel.

Keeps Metabolism Revving

Going long stretches without eating can cause your metabolism to slow down to conserve calories. When the next meal is unpredictable, the body adjusts by holding onto more food as fat for future energy needs. Eating frequently signals to your body that food is available regularly, keeping your metabolism churning. Having three meals daily with a few small snacks mixed in optimizes calorie burning all day long. You’ll have more energy for physical activity too.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels

Leveling blood sugar is crucial for concentration, performance, and mood stability. Skipping meals leads to blood sugar crashes that sap mental and physical energy.

This rollercoaster effect makes focusing difficult. Eating three spaced-out meals maintains a consistent blood sugar supply to power you through your full day. Steady energy keeps you productive and able to tackle all daily tasks with ease. The right meal schedule will help you avoid the brain fog and lethargy induced by low blood sugar.

Supports Healthy Portions

Healthy salad bowl AI generated image

Dividing daily calories into three moderate meals makes it easier to meet nutrition needs sustainably. Compressing calories into just one or two large meals often exceeds reasonable portion sizes and daily calorie limits.

Three meals a day allows you to satisfy hunger with better-portioned, well-balanced options. Combining smart portions with hydration produces lasting fullness. Meal planning also helps you prepare healthy options instead of going for quick convenience when overly hungry at mealtimes.

Promotes Strong Muscle Growth

The protein needed to maintain and build muscle is best obtained through consistent meals. Failing to eat protein at regular intervals impairs muscle protein synthesis. After a workout, a meal containing quality protein in tandem with carbohydrates optimizes muscle repair and growth. Refueling with protein every 3 to 4 hours via scheduled meals benefits athletes and anyone looking to gain or preserve lean muscle mass while dieting.

Boosts Sleep Quality

Avoiding hunger pangs before bedtime leads to deeper, more restorative sleep. Going to bed with an empty stomach makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. Late-night hunger causes your body to release stimulating hormones that interfere with sleep. Eating a lighter dinner finished at least 2 to 3 hours before laying down allows time for digestion to progress before dozing off. Better sleep improves daytime energy and food choices, too.

Reduces Risk Of Overeating

Young beautiful fat woman eats a lot of sweets

When relying on just one or two large meals per day, it becomes challenging to avoid episodes of overeating. The body’s hunger signals get misaligned, and blood sugar imbalances intensify cravings. These peaks and valleys of hunger often culminate in out-of-control binge episodes. Eating structured meals at a consistent time every day helps regulate appetite hormones. The result is more stable satiety and fewer intense hunger surges.

Is It True That Frequent Meals Can Boost Metabolic Rate? 

Metabolic rate refers to the number of calories burnt inside a body at a given time period. While it might be true that digesting a meal has slight implications on metabolism, this procedure is also called the food’s thermic effect. However, it is the exact food amount of food that depicts the energy spent during digestion. 

Consuming 3 meals of almost 300 calories might result in the same thermic effect as consuming 6 meals each of 400 calories. One might find no difference at all! Several studies compare eating larger meals with their smaller counterparts and say that there is no difference in the metabolic rate. 


If you ask what are the health benefits of consuming more often, the answer is none. It will have no impact on the calories burned or how much weight you are losing. Eating more doesn’t enhance blood sugar control either. If anything, consuming fewer meals is the key to becoming healthier. 

Well, that was all about eating three meals in a day and staying healthy. If you feel like you are full, refrain from consuming excessively. These small tips will do good. Thank you for reading this far. Hope this helps!

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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