My Teenager Got A DWI: What Do I Do

Society Arnab Dey Legal 4 Mins Read
published on: 24 September 2022 last updated on: 05 November 2024

Despite repeated warnings, some teenagers drive after drinking. As a result, teen drunks account for 17% of alcohol-related deaths. This is despite the fact that only 10% of licensed drivers are under 21 years old.

Drunk driving can have long-term legal and financial consequences. In most states, drivers under the age of 21 are considered intoxicated if their blood alcohol level is 0.02 or higher. (for adults, 0.08 and above).

Depending on your child’s online DWI test results, there may be ways to reduce or waive the cost. A qualified DWI attorney can dismiss the charge for lack of evidence.

Know The DWI Penalties

California drivers will drive under the influence of alcohol even if they are not of legal age to drink and drive. This is because California law defines drunk driving differently for minors.

In several states, if you are under 21 and drive under the influence, you face the same criminal penalties as an adult.

In addition, if you are under 21 and have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05% or higher, you can be arrested for driving under the influence.

This misdemeanor can put a DWI on a criminal record, but no jail time. However, you will lose your license for 1 year, pay a $100 fine and complete a 3-month DWI course. Even minors can be charged with drunk driving.

Universities and employers may ask about your criminal record when applying for admission. An experienced DWI attorney can tell the prosecutor that your crime was a stupid mistake.

In some cases, the district attorney can lower or lower your rates, so they don’t derail your life at a young age.

How Can A DWI Lawyer Help?

Many defenses to DWI charges can work in front of a jury. A good DWI attorney wouldn’t let your case go that far.

They want to win for you before you go to court. So your lawyer will reconcile his case and address the judge’s point of view.

A DWI lawyer will make every possible defense on behalf of your child. Some of these protections include:

  • Appeals grounds for suspension: The police need reasonable grounds to believe that your child was driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Controversy regarding how breath tests were conducted: The police must follow certain procedures.
  • Disputes regarding the validity of the test equipment: The breathing apparatus must be checked regularly.

Parent’s Liability In Teenager DWI Cases

Parent’s Liability In Teenager DWI Cases

Parents can be held liable in cases of teenager DUI. Data shows that 30% of teenagers between the ages of 15 and 17 have consumed alcohol. Many teens don’t understand how alcohol affects their bodies and increases their risk of DUI when they drive while behind the wheel.

Although it poses many risks for teenagers, sometimes even the parents of their children can face some consequences.

1. Civil Liability

Drivers can face criminal charges, but civil disputes can also arise. For example, if a teenager damages someone else’s car or personal property, you can claim damages. In this case, the parents are responsible until the child turns 18.

2. Criminal Liability

If the parent does not help the child in any way, only the driver will be held criminally liable. Parents can be held liable if they do not take appropriate measures to make it difficult for teenagers to drink at home.

Many factors affect liability, and parents should hire a DWI attorney as soon as they discover a teen’s criminal activity.

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How Can You Avoid Underage DUI?

Avoid Underage DUI

As parents, you can do much to help to avoid underage DUI and protect your child from the ravages of law at such an early age. Given below are some tips that you must follow as a parent—

1. Talk To Your Kid

Be open with the conversations when you talk to your kid. Ask them about their daily life and friends. After a party or gathering, try to speak to them about how much they enjoyed it.

While talking to them, try to sense all the information they seem to be hiding and ask politely without forcing.

2. Follow Your Preachings

As parents, you must follow what you teach. For most children, parents are their role models. Therefore, never drink and drive if you want your child to be safe from a DWI case.

Teach your child to be patient until they come of age. Showcase good examples and positive influences.

Now Roll Your Sleeves For The Fight!

You might feel guilty, ashamed, or responsible for what happened to your child. It’s important to express how you feel about the event but also to remain calm and professional.

You want to help your child make the right decisions in the future and keep the lines of communication open.

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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