Rebuilt Car Title: What It Is, Pros And Cons As A Consumer

published on: 20 November 2023 last updated on: 29 December 2023
Rebuilt Car Title

Getting rebuilt or salvaged cars is one of the best ways to buy a cheap used car. These days, there are a lot of reputable websites, such as selling or auctioning such vehicles at low prices. But what exactly is a rebuilt car? And is it a good idea to buy them even though they do not cost much?

The Rebuilt Car

Whenever you see a car labeled as rebuilt, it simply means the insurance company has considered it a total loss and the car has undergone repairs for resale. This is why they tend to cost less than other vehicle types, particularly those with a “clean” title. It is also worth mentioning that once a car has a rebuilt title, it can be challenging to insure. Another thing you should also be aware of is that once a vehicle has been rebuilt, it should undergo a thorough inspection before being allowed on public roads. These issues can make you rethink buying a rebuilt car, but it is not always dark and gloomy. There are benefits to purchasing a rebuilt car besides saving money.

The Pros

The rebuilt cars have a good value and this is the reason their popularity scores with time. The business that keeps these cars ensures that they keep them in good condition so that the buyers don’t have the convenience issue. These cars have some of the advantages. Let’s try to understand it here. 


Cars with a rebuilt title sell for much less than new cars. You could easily save thousands of dollars. When you weigh the cost of repairs against buying a new one, you’ll quickly realize you can have it looking as good as new without spending even half what a new car would have cost.

Damage Is Not Always As Bad As It Looks 

If the vehicle in question still has a sound structure and only needs other repairs, then it’s still good. The car only becomes completely unworthy when it has been in severe damage.

They Are Thoroughly Inspected 

You might think driving around in a rebuilt car is scary, but it does have to pass a strict inspection to be considered roadworthy. This means you don’t have to dread thoughts of the mechanic skipping or brushing over certain parts of repairing the vehicle. They must ensure that the car they are building is insured and perfect for the road.

In addition, you can put your mind at ease by looking at the damage report from the DMV or the car reports and then at the repair list to ensure everything that was a problem has undergone repairs. Additionally, you can always have a mechanic inspect the car before buying it to ensure everything is intact.


By this time, you will already have a strong grasp of the benefits of these rebuilt cars. But do you think these vehicles have everything great? Probably not. These rebuilt cars do have a few niggles or, say, minus points. Let’s understand it all here. 

Difficulty Getting It Insured 

As mentioned earlier, getting insurance for your vehicle can be challenging, even if it is now in good shape. Some insurance companies consider cars with a rebuilt title as hazardous. This means they are more likely to get significantly damaged in an accident. There are also instances where an insurer may fail to sell collision or comprehensive insurance to cover car damages but agree to sell you liability insurance, which helps cover damage to other people or their properties.

Car History 

Even after the inspections, the damages the vehicle has suffered in the past can still haunt the car. Mechanical issues may seem fixed but later show up and cost you much more. Flooding is a type of damage to be particularly cautious of. You might miss it initially, but it may end up causing corrosion, electric system failure, or engine problems.

Things To Know Before You Buy A Rebuilt Car

People, as we discussed, are showing their clear intention to buy the rebuilt cars. This is because they have some cheap features. These cars are steeped with some of the most effective features that we discussed in the Pros section. However, we discuss some key things to consider before buying a rebuilt car.

Rebuilt Titled Cars Were Once Salvaged

You may know that the rebuilt cars, anyway, were deemed a complete loss at some point in time. But again, they were repaired. Again, you may assume that a total loss vehicle was involved during a car accident. The vehicle may have overcome several situations. But one thing is constant: the vehicle was once damaged, and they were salvaged later on. 

Low Initial Investment

When you acquire a car, remember that the initial investment must be low. Though the car underwent a significant transformation, from ravaged to salvaged, the cost will not be that high. According to some experts, the estimated cars could save upto 50% of the cost or, say, initial investment. 

Complicated Insurance With the Rebuilt Cars

As these vehicles go through extensive repairs, procuring the insurance for these vehicles becomes quite a difficult task. Auto insurance providers offer restricted options only. The cost of your policy might take a higher expenditure. Therefore, it can be understood that if you are looking to procure a rebuilt vehicle, preparing the insurance may cost you more than you would expect. 

Reselling The Rebuilt Title Will Be Difficult

Do you intend to sell your car in the time to come? Then, in that case, let us tell you that it will be highly risky. You will be compelled to accept quite a lower cost for your vehicle. 


The best advice we can offer you when buying rebuilt cars is to make an informed choice. This means you need to evaluate the damage and determine whether it’s worth salvaging. There’s no better way to do that evaluation than with the help of a mechanic. So, take one with you to inspect the car before you make the purchase.


With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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