15-Year-Old Indian Gets Detained Due To Objectionable Religious Remarks

Society Debamalya Mukherjee Religion 28 September 2023 2 Mins Read
15 Year Old Indian Gets Detained Due To Objectionable Religious Remarks


  • A 15-year-old student from Uttar Pradesh, India, gets detained after posting objectionable remarks against Hindu gods and goddesses.
  • Mintu Singh, a local BJP leader in Uttar Pradesh, India, took the decision to detain the student for anti-Hindu remarks on social media.
  • A case has been registered against the student under the Information Technology Act.

India is a “secular” country where all religions are treated equally. However, the authorities do not allow people to have freedom of speech and expression against Hinduism. If you have anything negative to say against Hindu gods and goddesses, you will get arrested and end up in jail.

But, if you say anything against any other religion, the authorities will not even lift a finger because India is a Hindu country, not a secular one, as stated by the constitution.

This is why a 15-year-old kid from Uttar Pradesh, India, got retained by authorities after he made “questionable” remarks against Hindu gods and goddesses. While his comments have been removed from social media, and their viral screenshots are being taken down from the World Wide Web, we don’t know the extent of his remarks.

However, whatever it was, the Hindu community of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, deemed them to be of poor taste. That’s why they filed a case against the boy at the Izatnagar police station.

The boy has since been detained and sent to a Children’s Remand home.

But the heart of the issue is the fact that he is a 15-year-old. He made a comment on social media, which unfortunately became viral.

Millions of derogatory comments have been made by many pro-Hindu activists, which have been deemed appropriate to them. But one comment against Hinduism, and suddenly they become the justiciars of god. Social media is a non-political, non-religious forum for people to communicate their thoughts freely. However, this has been far from the truth.

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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