Agnes Chow “will be pursued for life,” Says The Hong Kong Leader.  

harsha sharma News 08 December 2023 2 Mins Read
Democracy Activist Agnes Chow Says She Still Feels Under the Watch of Hong Kong Police in Canada

Sentenced for her role in the unauthorized protests in Bangkok, Hong Kong, pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow feels she is still being watched. The “best known” activist of Hong Kong moved to Canada to pursue her studies. She was recently absent in the city to meet her bail conditions to which she justified saying that her return to the city is not possible. This made her an easy target for criticism by the Hong Kong Leader John Lee.

The infamous activist was one of the young ones arrested in 2020 in a national security law, enacted after 2019’s anti-government protests. The most prominent activist, Chow, was not charged under any law, however, she was released on bail.

After the unauthorized protest, she lost her passport to the police, however, she received it back under a condition. One of those was to visit mainland China with authorities which she has been unable to meet.

The student came forward to clearly state that she has been contacted by the national security police who inquired about her status. This was after she left the city to pursue her studies in September. This is a red flag as it is a direct violation of the freedoms that were “promised” by the British colony in 1997. Shockingly, the Hong Kong and Beijing governments hail the security law saying it has “brought back stability to the city.”

The Hong Kong leader expressed his dissent calling Chow a “liar” and looking down upon the “lenient” treatment by the police. On the contrary, the young activist shared that her personal freedom and safety has been “infringed.” She further clarified that the police did not offer her leniency, rather she was under “restrictions.”

The young activist shared an Instagram post over the weekend sharing how her passport was returned on the condition that she would visit mainland China with the national security. She calls the Hong kong police’s style similar to that followed in mainland China.

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Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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