Human Rights Review By The UN Attracts Protest From Activists In Geneva

harsha sharma News 20 October 2023 2 Mins Read
Activists Turn Backs on US Officials as UN-Backed Human Rights Review of United States Wraps Up

At least 140 human rights activists have turned their backs against the recent review by the UN in Geneva. In a silent demonstration against the “insufficient responses” by the US government, the activists have shown strong distaste for the decision (Source: US News). 

Protesters gathered from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and beyond. The activists were part of a group supporting the reproductive rights of Indigenous people. The activists also campaign against discrimination. 

The US Ambassador Michele Taylor concluded the two-day hearing in the United States. As part of the regular human rights review for the UN member countries, the committee wrapped up the discussion this week. 

The autumn in Geneva witnessed six countries undergoing public sessions- including Iran, Haiti, and Venezuela. The sessions were held to observe the progress in their adherence to the commitments. In addition, a handful of international rights treaties were ratified by the United States. Of which the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was one. 

It seems that Ambassador Taylor’s statement “the U.S. commitment to the treaty is a moral imperative,” invited the protests. In addition, she also mentioned that “the US leads by example, through our transparency, our openness and our humble approach to our own human rights challenges.” 

At the American Civil Liberties Union, Jamil Dakwar, director of the human rights program said that the US delegation sticks to scripted, general, and often “meaningless responses.”  The director said this to the questions that are asked from the US committee. 

He further added that the responses seem to be “AI generated.” The decision by the US committee was frowned upon by various community groups and heads. The executive director of Alliance San Diego- a community group- said that the responses disappointed him deeply and that it consisted of “simple reiteration, justification and defense.” 

A traditional midwife from Hawaii Ki’I Kaho’ohanohano said that the lack of proper responses was “infuriating.” 

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Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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