Cop28: Guterres Claims That The “Giants Behind The Climate Crisis” Have Not Lived Up To Their Methane Pledge

Deepanwita Dey News 04 December 2023 2 Mins Read
Giants Behind The Climate Crisis Have Not Lived Up

As the fourth day of this year’s UN climate conference started, the UN chief concluded that the industry was finally “waking up,” but the promises made fell far short of what the world needs.

In response, Mr. Guterres remarked that though this is positive, the crucial issue is eliminating fuel combustion, which causes various emissions.

Methane (about one-third of the current global warming) is the primary chemical constituent of natural gas. It may be short-lived, but for all intents and purposes, it is much more powerful than carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. If no major actions occur, there might be an increase of 13% in global anthropogenic methane emissions by 2030. (Source)

The Secretary-General called the oil and gas companies the “giant behind the climate crisis.” He also stated that achieving zero net emissions by 2050 is necessary to maintain integrity, but it is unclear what path will guide us down this route.

Early Alert for Everyone

Inaugurated by the Secretary-General in the previous year, the revolutionary Early Warning for All (EW4ALL) initiative aims for everyone to have life-saving early warning systems before the end of 2027 against any hazardous weather, water, or climate

This may sound very tall, but possible. He said at the big meeting on the discussion yesterday, “We must do this together. All hands on deck if we are to ever experience success like never before.”

Today, 101 countries declare that they have an early warning established. In comparison, it was only 95 countries the previous year. That being said, we are seeing the figure doubling compared to 2015. The findings from the study indicate that there are only enough multi-hazard early warning systems in half of the countries.

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