Lapid Slams Erdogan: Israel Wouldn’t Take Morality Lessons From Someone With So Poor Human Rights Records 

Deepanwita Dey News 16 November 2023 2 Mins Read
Israel Wouldn’t Take Morality Lessons From Someone With So Poor Human Rights Records

“We won’t be taking human rights advice from a man who has a horrible human rights record.” Said Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid. He said this while disregarding the comment from Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who wrote Israel was a terrorist country.

This is at the peak of Israel defending itself from known terrorist groups like Hamas-ISIS. A group which has been working under the protection of Erdogan. Claims the Israeli opposition Lapid.

Being a part and protection for a long-serving terrorist company is not what the Israeli body would call ‘protecting human rights.’

This is amidst the wave of condemnation that Israel is facing for their raid at the Shifa Hospital Gaza. The UN aid officials who were working there at the moment have shown concern about impacting doctors, staff, and patients. Such disturbances in a healing ground like a hospital can agitate patients and decrease the chances of healing. (Source)

The scale of condemnation they have been facing from other Arab countries has raised questions on how long Israel can continue with their methods.

However, Israel came forward in a concession and said it would permit an infinite number of relief convoys to pass through the border crossing at Rafah in Egypt. The UN claimed that hundreds of trucks were needed to alleviate starvation, but aid convoys have been reduced to as few as thirty each day.

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