What Is Aristotle Model Of Communication? What Are The Advantages?

Deepanwita Dey Business 6 Mins Read
published on: 23 November 2022 last updated on: 19 March 2024
Aristotle Model Of Communication

The Aristotle Model of Communication is a linear model of communication. It was first introduced in 300 B.C. 

Basically, it solely focuses on the message of the speech. As the Greek scientist Aristotle introduced this communication model; it is named after him. It is one of the most recognizable communication models across the globe. 

Here, in this article, we will talk about that.  

What Is The Aristotle Model Of Communication? 

The Aristotle Model Of Communication basically explains a one-way communication process. That is why the aristotle model of communication process is categorized as a linear communication model. 

When the communication model is linear, it automatically excludes feedback, unlike the transactional model, which is a two-way process and includes feedback. So, due to the absence of feedback in this particular communication model, it is recognized as Aristotle’s linear model of communication. 

Elements of Aristotle’s Communication Model

Elements of Aristotle's Communication Model

In order to deliver a persuasive speech, the Aristotle Model of Communication is designed. It consists of 5 components, which are explained below. 

1. Speaker

Obviously, the individual who delivers the speech is the speaker. The speaker is the primary element of the communication process, which initiates the conversation. Without a speaker, communication can never be designed, and thus it is crucial for both verbal and non-verbal communication types. 

2. Speech

The message of the communication, which the speaker wants to deliver to their audience, is obviously the speech. Usually, in order to accomplish the goals, the speaker delivers the speech, just like a political leader gives a persuasive speech to motivate supporters. 

3. Occasion

The occasion is the context in communication which basically denotes the environment along with representing the purpose of the conversation. On the basis of the occasion, the speech pattern can be distinguished. Let’s take an example of a political leader who always delivers speeches on the basis of the situation, including social, personal, and political campaign events. 

4. Audience

Of course, the receiver of the speech is the audience. To the audience, the speaker addresses the speech. That is why audiences are also known as listeners. If we take an example of a political campaign, the supporters are the audience. Impacted by the speech, the audience acts with a passive role. Active and passive are the 2 types of audiences. This limits communication from the speaker to the receiver. 

5. Effect

The effect can be negative and positive, is the consequences of the speech. That simply denotes whether the audience is persuaded or not. Take the example of a marketing manager offering a promotional speech in order to sell a product. Now, the effect is simply the buying attitude of the customers. 

Aristotle Model Of Communication Examples

Now you have got a piece of basic knowledge about the Aristotle Model of Communication; now I will give you some examples of the communication model for better understanding. 

Speech Through Radio Station

Through fireside chats, the NBC radio station (Context) broadcasted Franklin D. Roosevelt (Speaker), the 32nd American President’s speech. Directly to the citizens (Audience), Franklin explained the new policies. 

Here, the President was an effective communicator, and also his speech created a strong bond (Effect) among the general people and government. This is one of the best aristotle model of communication examples. 

Political Speech Physically

In order to persuade his supporters (Audience) to vote for Democratic Party, Barack Obama (Speaker) delivers a speech in the general election (context) of the USA. After listening to that, several voters decided to vote (Effect) for Democratic Party. 

Advertisement On Television

On television (Context), a salesperson (Speaker) advertises in order to persuade customers (Audience) for selling a laptop at the best prices. To convince the customers, he delivers a promotional message (Speech). 

Finally, through T.V. advertisement, the salesperson manages to sell some laptops (Effect). Here, without offering any feedback, the audience listens to the speaker. 

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Aristotle Model Of Communication? 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Aristotle Model Of Communication

Now, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of the Aristotle Model of Communication. 


Here, the communication model emphasized more on the speaker’s role more. So, if you are thinking about developing your public speaking ability, this is great. As per this model, the spear requires an awareness of its intended audience. 

For example, the speaker is capable of establishing their speech on their educational background, socioeconomic status, etc. 

The manager takes 3 steps in a corporate context; logos, pathos, and ethos for enhancing organizational productivity. Now, this particular communication model explains the way of obtaining more supporters, and that too with a persuasive speech on a sports team. 

Apart from that, for students and researchers of communication, Aristotle’s communication plays the role of a motivating outcome of various aspects of communication’s systematic study. 

Aristotle’s communication model is also an instructive representation of the communication process, which helps a lot in system planning. This always represents fresh perspectives and ideas on different topics, including nonverbal, written, and verbal communication. 


After knowing the advantages, let’s have a look at the disadvantages of the Aristotle model of communication. 

The 3 major criticism of this specific communication model are;

  • No noise.
  • Public speaking centered.
  • No feedback. 

Being a linear communication process is the most important drawback of Aristotle’s communication. It simply doesn’t include and explain feedback is essential, particularly for the interactive communication process

Due to the absence of audience feedback and openness, the conversation is ineffective. In addition to all these, as it is only helpful for public speaking, its usefulness and credibility of it are also limited. 

Also, when it comes to the concept of no noise barriers in communication, this specific communication model has nothing. At the same time, noise is unwanted but also a paramount element of the communication process. 

Instances where you Need Aristotle Model of Communication

Now that we have discussed everything from examples to advantages, it is time to understand the different scenarios in corporate where you need to use Aristotle’s Model of Communication.  

Aristotle’s time can be applied in situations where the use of effective and persuasive communication is vital. Here are a few examples:  

 Formal presentations

 Formal presentations

The Aristotle model may prove useful when speaking in a formal presentation. This is because the model can structure the message. The model highlights the need for a good introduction. A clearly presented topic, the conclusive part for audience contribution, and campaign message delivery.  

 Business meetings

 Business meetings

When it comes to meetings in corporations, Aristotle’s influence should guide communication strategies. The quotation indicates the speaker’s need to establish a credible stance. This is through showing a rational argument and appealing to the audience’s emotions since it is important for them to agree to or support the given idea.  

 Sales and marketing pitches

 Sales and marketing pitches

Whether it is presenting the product or service to the clients or showcasing a marketing campaign, this model can help. It establishes a very persuasive communication. The model involves analysis of the customer needs, pinpointing, presenting logical information, and conviction techniques to influence consumers’ buying behavior.  

 Team communication

 Team communication

Under a corporate crew, communication is one of the keys that guide cooperation and collaboration. For Aristotle´s model, you should ensure that messages are simple, structured, and convincing. Therefore, this will eventually lead to understanding among team members and to a successful collaboration.  

Crisis communication

Crisis communication

In times of crisis, such as product recalls or cases of bad press, the communication strategy can be based on Aristotle’s model. It highlights the importance of refreshing and authentic messaging, addressing the audience’s feelings, and offering remedies and/or actions to bring the outbreak to an end.  

 Leadership communication

 Leadership communication

The Aristotle model brings much value to leaders in corporate settings. It creates a picture of you as a person with authority, use of concrete and logical arguments, and an inspirational leadership style.  

Recall that the Aristotle communication model is just one of the approaches; that is, the appropriateness of its use in the given context and audience determines it. It’s imperative to develop tailored communication methods to accommodate the requirements and nature of the corporate culture. 

To Conclude

I believe after going through this article; you get the information you were searching for about the Aristotle Model of Communication. It is a linear communication that can only be used for public speaking and was invented in 300 B.C.

If you have any further questions or queries, you can write that in the comment section. I will come up with a solution as soon as possible.

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