How to Start Journaling to Cope With Mental Health?

Sumona Lifestyle 4 Mins Read
published on: 16 June 2022 last updated on: 18 June 2022
Start Journaling

Mental health issues are real, and hiding them or letting them go untreated is never good for your overall health. There are several ways to recuperate when it comes to mental health, and the easiest way is to start journaling.

Journaling, the process of writing your thoughts on paper, can relieve your mind from the dark thoughts that threaten to engulf you. When you start writing the troubling thoughts on paper, you can determine why it’s troubling you and what you can do to make yourself better.

As a result, it can make you calmer and happier, and you are closer to being healthier. The benefits of journaling are immense, and if you are thinking of this, here is how you can do it.

Here are The 6 Tips To Start Journaling

  • Write every day
  • Or journal when you can
  • Write anything or even sketch
  • Do write things you are grateful for
  • Write a letter to someone who did you wrong
  • Track your symptoms

1. Write every day

The first tip to start journaling is to write daily in your journal. We understand your schedule is busy, but you need to set aside a few minutes every day for your mental health and write.

journal writing

It can be in the morning after you wake up to go over the previous day and make a to-do list to accomplish your daily goals. Or you can journal every day at night before bed to recap the entire day and figure out how you feel about things. Do this every day at a specific time, and jotting your thoughts in the journal will become a habit.

2. Or journal when you can

If you are someone who is not comfortable with writing every day, you can journal when you can or need to. Of course, the former is a better option.

journal writing practice

Yet, if you cannot do that, make sure you write when things get overwhelming or you need to clear your mind. Writing when you need or can ensure you have a place to vent and sort through emotions without letting the situation get out of hand.

The tip to remember here is to keep a journal with you always. So, you don’t have to bottle the emotions up. Instead, buy the best one from

3. Write anything or even sketch

Your journal is a judgment-free zone. Therefore, don’t worry about what you are writing or how you are writing. There doesn’t need to be a proper structure to your journal. All you need to do is be honest to ensure the journal does its job- help you be at peace mentally.


It’s even recommended to sketch if words are too overwhelming for you to write. Many people sketch to let their thoughts known, and it does the job beautifully.

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4. Do write things you are grateful for

Finding things you are genuinely grateful for is challenging, and it’s harder when dealing with mental health issues. Yet, finding things or people to be grateful for is the key to getting better.

grateful journal writing

When you focus more on things that are going well instead of things that are not, your thoughts shift, making things ten times better.

It aids in developing a positive mindset, and isn’t that what we are striving for in order to restore our mental health?

5. Write a letter to someone who did you wrong

Often, a close friend or family member does us wrong, messing with our mental health. We expect an apology, which doesn’t come, worsening our state of being. Yet, letting go, forgiving, and moving on is critical for your mental health.

writing letter

Therefore, one thing you can do is write a letter to them in your journal. You don’t have to show it to them, write whatever you feel. It will give you closure and a way to forgive them even if they don’t feel guilty.

6. Track your symptoms

Journaling is not only for venting your emotions. You can use it to track your symptoms as well when dealing with any mental health issues. For example, note down when you felt anxious and the situation leading to the same. Had a panic attack?

Write the same! Taking any medication, write about it to determine if it’s helping you out or not.

Keeping a dairy sounded cool when we were kids, right? Yet, journaling for our mental health seems too much or embarrassing to few people? Why? If it’s benefiting your health, peace, and life, why bother what other people think? It’s high time that everyone starts journaling, regardless of whether they suffer from mental health issues.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow my more contributions in EmblemWealth and Newsstoner

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