Greta Thunberg And Protesters Detained For Fossil Fuel Industry Demonstration.

harsha sharma News 19 October 2023 2 Mins Read
Greta Thunberg And Protesters Detained For Fossil Fuel Industry Demonstration.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg and other protesters were detained by London police after they obstructed a highway during a demonstration against fossil fuel companies. The Metropolitan Police arrested Thunberg and several others during the protest (Source: US News).

A total of 15 people were arrested during the demonstration in front of the InterContinental Park Lane Hotel, where the Oil & Money conference was being held. Police stated that five people were detained for obstructing a highway during the protest, while an additional 14 were held on suspicion of disrupting public order. One individual was detained for criminal damage. No charges had been issued at the time of the arrests.

Protesters, including Thunberg, accused fossil fuel companies of intentionally slowing the transition to renewable energy sources to maximize profits. Thunberg voiced her concerns to reporters, saying that “the world is drowning in fossil fuels,” and that the fossil fuel industry was well aware of the consequences of their actions. She stressed the need to physically disrupt such conferences to make it clear that these practices could not continue.

“We cannot let this continue. The elite of the oil and money conference, they have no intention of transition,” Thunberg added.

The activist’s arrest came after she inspired a global youth movement that called for stronger efforts to combat climate change. Thunberg initially gained attention for staging weekly protests outside the Swedish Parliament in 2018. 

She has continued to be a prominent voice in the climate movement, but her recent arrest followed a fine imposed by a Swedish court for disobeying police during an environmental protest in Sweden.

Environmental groups have indicated their intent to continue protesting throughout the Oil & Money forum, which was scheduled to last three days. Meanwhile, the police confirmed that those arrested were taken into custody, and officers remained on-site to ensure security during the event. 

The police attempted to engage with the protesters to allow safe access to the conference venue while preventing major disruptions, but some demonstrators refused to vacate the road.

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Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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