Tips for Home-schooling Parents

Society Arnab Dey Education 08 February 2022 3 Mins Read

If you are no longer satisfied with state schooling and would rather educate your children, you certainly aren’t alone; indeed, the number of Australian parents turning to home-schooling is rapidly growing.

One of the reasons for this is that many people are now working from home and a working couple has the shared resources to educate their kids.

Here are a few tips to help you create a great learning environment

1. High-speed Internet

The web is an essential resource for every parent who is taking on the challenge of home-schooling, make sure you have good wireless coverage in the learning environment and you and your kids can use digital tech as a learning tool.

All children should be taught how to search with Google and encouraged to use the web in search of knowledge.

You can find reams of lesson plans and student handouts online and if you are using a project-based approach, there are endless resources available from education websites.

2. Perfect learning environment

Essential furniture like school chairs for kids can be acquired from a leading Australian supplier of educational resources and you should try to use natural materials such as timber.

A typical layout would have activity corners, with toys and games on shelves and your kids should be given some ‘free time to interact with the resources.

Of course, you will need a whiteboard, we recommend one on wheels that can be easily moved around, which is far better than a wall-fixing.

Depending on the age of the learners, furniture should be interchangeable and geared to comfort and practicality.

3. Become a learner

Let’s face it you are not a trained teacher and there will be many things that you don’t have the required knowledge to instruct others; rather than trying to be something you are not, join your kids on a journey of learning.

All those in the teaching profession should be committed to life-long learning, moving right away from the traditional teacher-student relationship where the former dissipates knowledge to the latter. Here are a few tips to keep your utility bills down to an acceptable level.

Additional Reading: Top 4 Reasons To Choose An International School For Your Child

4. Make good use of government resources

Here in Australia, our federal government fully supports home-schooling and they offer a lot of resources on their website.

Of course, your kids must be able to pass national tests to ensure they are receiving a comprehensive education that meets the minimum requirements as defined by the Ministry of Education.

5. Don’t forget spirituality

Many parents prefer to follow Buddhist initiatives, which introduce the children to mindfulness and meditation; both of which will prove to be invaluable when they become adults.

The correct approach is not to force any religious beliefs, rather stick to good morals, empathy and kindness to all living things.

There are always teething troubles when you embark on a home-schooling project, but with a ‘can-do attitude and some logical thinking, you will overcome them.

Some parents find it hard to keep a level of discipline and there are resources online to help you maintain a balance in the learning environment.

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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