How To Clean A Portable One-Hitter Smoker?

published on: 23 August 2022 last updated on: 07 September 2022
One-Hitter Smoker

Nowadays, smoking is becoming the norm, especially since there are many ways to enjoy it. One hitter, often referred to as a taster, is becoming very well-liked among young people.

It involves inhaling heated cannabis, tobacco leaves, or sifted herbal concoction through a small bowl. As the name suggests, it is used to pull once, but the question arises of how to clean one hitter.

Can You Do The Cleaning Yourself?

For some people, cleaning is a constant source of frustration, and not everyone finds it enjoyable. But on the other hand, one-hitters were developed for their practicality and simplicity of use, and cleaning them is much simpler.

Here’s how to clean a one-hitter smoker at home:

1. Store-bought pipe cleaning solution

Store-bought pipe cleaning products might also help to speed up and simplify the process. These products come with detailed user instructions. It will surely help with regular chillum cleaning.

2. Cleaning it using household products

Everyone would like to know how to clean one hitter using common household materials. Always keep rubbing alcohol on your hand; regular alcohol won’t work in this case.

Simple steps include putting the one-hitter smoker in a ziplock bag, adding a strong rubbing alcohol, and adding 1-2 mL of water. Add some coarse salt at this point and shake it briefly. Ensure it is fully submerged in the solution, ideally for a minimum of 1-2 hours. Then, remove it from the solution and rinse with water.

3. Use a gun cleaner or air compressor

You can clean the pipe and blow it in the one-hitter dugout using an air compressor or a gun cleaner. The power and pressure will drive all the remnants out, leaving it clean again.

4. Vinegar and salt

Try a salt and vinegar solution if you need to clean the pipe and bowl. It is also quite effective. Place your one-hitter smoker into a zip-top bag along with salt and white vinegar.

You can omit the step of adding water because it is not necessary for this process. For the best results, ensure the one-hitter is soaking in the solution. Shake the bag and submerge it for a while. Before using it again, wash it with plain water and pat it dry.

5. Warm and Boiling water

It is undoubtedly the most straightforward and cost-effective way of knowing how to clean one-hitter smoker. First, use a toothpick to prick all the residue from the surface. Next, keep some water boiling and remove some when it is barely warm to clean the hitter.

Continue boiling the remaining water and let it cool for 5 mins before putting the pipe inside. Give the one-hitter at least an hour to soak in boiling water. Carefully remove the pipe, clean it with cotton swabs or a dry cloth, and then rinse it with warm water. Before using it again, ensure to check it properly for any residues.


Whichever approach proves most effective, take care not to rush the process of thoroughly cleaning a one-hitter smoker. Make sure all of the remnants are gone before using the pipe again. The best thing for your one-hitter will be to clean it frequently for the best results.

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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