How Augmented Reality Works

Arnab Dey Technology 3 Mins Read
published on: 11 January 2023 last updated on: 09 December 2023
Augmented Reality

The general public encountered augmented reality when Google wanted to hang its smart glasses on our noses.

After that, the era of funny masks that made us cats, bunnies, and Leonardo DiCaprio came. The trend echoed the playful spirit reminiscent of iconic films such as Titanic and The Quick and the Dead. The Quick and the Dead cast added inspiration behind these whimsical choices.

However, now augmented reality is used in medicine, advertising, military technology, games, education and fun iSandBOX, object monitoring, and mobile devices.

Augmenting Our World

Augmented reality (AR) is an environment that supplements the physical world we see in real-time with digital data using any devices – tablets, smartphones, or others, and the software part.

A new virtual environment is formed by superimposing programmed virtual objects on top of the video signal from the camera and becomes interactive by using special markers.

Augmented Reality On Smartphones

AR is mostly used in phones. Social media-focused apps offer roughly the same features: masks and placing characters in space. But more and more companies realize the importance of this niche and introduce more utilitarian applications.

For example, Google Translate can translate the text that the camera sees in real-time. However, the main mobile area where Augmented Reality has found itself is, of course, entertainment.

Probably you have played first-person shooters. But have you ever thought that displaying the number of ammo, health, and first aid kits are also augmented reality, only for your character? So, this area remains very popular.

Augmented Reality In The Military

Skill development, education, and training are among the main areas of application of virtual reality technologies. From this perspective, AR is of interest to the military, which uses simulators to train people.

The main areas of AR application are the formation of primary skills for those who are just starting military service, as well as maintaining the qualifications of experienced specialists (this also includes training before confirming qualifications).

For these purposes, simulators are used in:

  • training in technical control skills, for example, flight simulators;
  • development of equipment maintenance skills;
  • training for actions in combat conditions;
  • development of primary combat skills of new recruits;
  • training of physicians in stressful situations and remote medical support.

In each specific case, the development of the simulator considers the types of troops and the specifics of training – individual, group, or special.

Augmented Reality Sandbox For Education

The iSandBOX is a new and effective tool for preschool educational institutions, schools, and development centers that allows you to take sand therapy and the educational process to a new level, revealing the inner reserves and natural abilities of children.

The work of the interactive sandbox is based on augmented reality technologies, thanks to which ordinary sand turns into a magical universe. Users see picturesque landscapes, which they can change themselves.

The interactive sandbox iSandBOX has found wide application in various areas of development of children of all ages – from general and additional education to psycho-correction and work with disabilities. It solves many educational problems. The teacher can diversify standard classes and write new lessons.

iSandBOX is ideal for:

  1. Education.
  2. Development.
  3. Psycho-corrections.
  4. Inclusive learning.

The iSandBOX software consists of 29 game modes. You can easily combine a variety of activities from them, immersing children in thousands of exciting and fascinating stories.

Where Can You Buy An ISandBOX?

You can buy a revolutionary augmented reality sandbox on our website. All products are certified and matched with international standards. Our contacts in the United Kingdom: tel. +44 (0)2036 214 714, email [email protected].

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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