Masculinity In Crisis: 5 Manly Habits To Increase Your Masculinity

Debamalya Mukherjee Society 06 November 2023 9 Mins Read
Masculinity In Crisis

I was raised as a traditional man from my childhood. My parents treated me like one and put the fear of god (the real evil) in me if I did something that was not traditionally “manly.” I used to think that the traditional values my dad taught me were unnecessary in the 21st century. However, now I realize that it was all an effort to turn me into a man – to increase my masculinity.

But what is masculinity? Are masculine traits necessary to be a man? Plus, how is masculinity and femininity different from each other?

I see young boys and men nowadays do things that make me question their sexual orientation. True – they choose to portray their orientation in any way they want. I don’t care how many pronouns that boy has. All I know is that “he” is not one of them – even if he thinks he is a true “he.”

This can only mean one thing – masculinity is in crisis.

Strong men that we look up to are no more. Instead, we get woke liberals who are super confused as to what pronoun they should be referred to as. We see weak men with no spine and confidence in them. Weak men with no strength to fight back. Weak men who can’t do anything.

So, as an observer of this phenomenon (and a harsh critique of it), I have to let my thoughts out. It’s really worrying even to see the type of men these young boys are being groomed into.

Want to become a real “masculine” man? I want you to become one. Therefore, let’s take a deep dive to learn how we can salvage the future generation of weak men from doom.

What Is Masculinity?

What Is Masculinity

“Men will be men.”

Masculinity, in its purest essence, simply refers to common traits seen across men. These are traits that make men men. Such characteristics have been recorded by researchers since ancient times (like Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato) and even modern (like Nietzsche).

But what are these traits? There are many of them, and having each of them is not a necessity for becoming a man. Therefore, if you consider yourself to be a man, you should have most of them. 

Some of the most easily identifiable masculine traits are:

  • Unwavering physical and mental strength
  • Unshakeable confidence
  • Infectious charisma
  • Well built physique
  • Driven and dedicated towards a certain goal
  • Competitive spirit
  • Charismatic leadership skills
  • Self-resilience
  • Lust for procreation
  • Reckless (but entertaining) behavior
  • The will to fight back

Why Is Masculinity In Crisis?

Why Is Masculinity In Crisis

“The world is in need of strong men, and time is running short.”

This is a famous statement made by psychologists Jordan Peterson and Andrew Huberman. In addition, it’s a statement also made by Andrew Tate, a controversial yet influential social figure.

Studies indicate that men are losing their masculinity and becoming more and more feminine. Back in the day, we had strong men who used to fight fearlessly in wars, hunt for food, and protect one’s family and community with pride.

Now, we have men who can’t even walk a mile. We now have men who cannot even determine which gender binary code they wish to identify as. This is equivalent to what does woke mean to a man.

According to research, the most crucial hormone in your body that defines your manhood is testosterone. However, surveys indicate that the testosterone in men is gradually decreasing by 1% every year.

But why so? There are two common reasons social scientists believe are the reason why:

1. The Role Of The Provider And Protector

The Role Of The Provider And Protector

Gender roles in society were simple before. The masculine man is supposed to be the family’s breadwinner, working hard to provide food and the table. He is also supposed to protect the family from any external danger. This perception of a masculine man is referred to as positive masculinity. 

However, society today has changed. Women now wish to actively participate on an equal footing as men to be the breadwinner. That leads men to question their very essence of being. If women become the providers and protectors, what will men do?

This act alone makes a man feel unwanted. The traditional purpose of a man is to provide for and protect his family, while his wife tends to household needs and cares for their children and parents. If this simple task is taken from a man, what will they do?

They start questioning their very place in society and in the family, which deviates from their otherwise focused mindset. Scientists report that this effect on their mindset lowers their testosterone production. This is why people say, “Take a man’s duty away from him, and he becomes only a shell of his former self.

2. Social Conditioning

Social Conditioning

“Boys will be boys, and men will be men.”

You have heard this term, right? While it does make boys less emotionally available, it has been associated a lot with toxic masculinity.

Social conditioning, related to hegemonic masculinity and fragile masculinity, is the biggest destroyer of masculinity among modern men.

Boys are conditioned to be emotionless from childhood, making them less likely to develop emotional maturity. This makes them more depressed due to emotional repression and more toxic as a person. 

The more depressed you are, the more physically inactive you become, which biologically affects your body by reducing testosterone levels.

3. Aggressive Rise Of Feminism Against Masculinity

Aggressive Rise Of Feminism Against Masculinity

“The more famous and powerful I get, the more power I have to hurt men.” ~Sharon Stone

Feminism and the whole #metoo movement have drastically reduced the need for procreation amongst young men. While feminism is important, some feminist are way too aggressive and instead wants dominance over men rather than gender equity.

Men have become way too complacent and reticent nowadays, being scared of approaching girls. They believe that even if they make one awkward move, they will be wrongfully targeted as a molester.

The effect? Recent studies show that men have low interest in women nowadays, partially due to work pressure and unrealistically high dating standards set by women. This significantly lowers their sex drive, which negatively affects their testosterone levels.

5 Manly Habits To Increase Your Masculinity

If you want to be a truly masculine man, you must increase your masculinity to peak labels. Therefore, here are five things you must start doing NOW:

1. Compete Ruthlessly To Be The Top G

Compete Ruthlessly To Be The Top G

Be the best. Or be nobody.

Want to be the alpha male (or the sigma) that no one can say no to, like Tristan Tate? Want to become the apex predator sitting at the top of the food chain like Andrew Tate or David Goggins? 

If the answer is yes, then the first thing you must do is have a purpose or goal in life. While it can be anything, it’s best to have a realistic and professional plan that helps you earn money. Unwavering dedication towards achieving your goals is an essential trait of masculinity.

After you set yourself your goal, work tirelessly towards it. Okay, here’s a controversial statement – embrace the hustle culture for at least five days a week. You get only one school life, and give it your all to excel as much as possible.

The same goes for your professional career during your 20s before you get married. Hustle during this age (with eight hours of sleep daily), and you will automatically exude traits of masculinity. In addition, it ensures that you don’t need to hustle in your 40s and 50s when it becomes physically and mentally challenging.

When you get rewarded for your effort (like good grades and a salary hike), your brain receptors signal happiness – which in turn increases your testosterone. You automatically become more confident, which is a great indicator of high masculinity.

Plus, a higher corporate status and a bigger bank balance also make you attractive to more women as well. Therefore, finding a procreative partner will become easier for you.

2. Condition Yourself

Condition Yourself

Six-packs are better than dad bods.

Your physical appearance – your face and body – defines who you are to everyone else.

Let’s say someone meets you for the first time. What impression do you want that person to have of you? Do you want to be a handsome and well-mannered man, or do you want to be the ugly creep? The choice is yours.

No matter how many women say “looks don’t matter” – it always does. Therefore, go to the gym or try calisthenics if you can’t afford to do so. If you look like a beast, the non-masculine men will automatically cower before you. Now, that’s not an indication from toxic masculinity tests. That’s respectful fear, which is necessary to some extent to become the Top G.

I recommend learning some martial arts to learn self-defense – and make yourself physically stronger. In addition, take part in some sort of sports. It’s time to unleash the Spartan warrior inside you!

Having a lean, muscular physique is the number one indicator of masculinity. In addition, start a skin-care and hair-grooming routine as well. Your face is the first thing people will notice, so make yourself look good.

3. Be Confident And Assertive

Be Confident And Assertive

Confidence is sexy.

That’s right, men. A woman will always find a confident man as the sexiest thing alive. Plus, being confident is a core aspect of masculinity since it makes men act more confidently in all situations.

Being confident is critical to influencing the world around you. Instead of feeling sad about situations, be confident to take charge of your own life. 

From now on, no one controls your fate. It’s all in your own hands. You just need to be confident enough to go out there and do what needs to be done instead of procrastinating due to fear of rejection and failure.

Also, don’t be afraid to be assertive to get things done in your way. Staying quiet while listening to others is good, but not while you know you can say something better instead.

4. Discipline Is Power

Discipline Is Power

Modern men lack discipline.

Many experts believe that this is one of the biggest causes leading to a drop in masculinity in modern men. Modern men have no self-control, letting self-indulgence run rampant. We are now putting more time and effort into getting instant gratification rather than long-term success.

This is why masturbation, procrastination, and the use of TikTok for bursts of dopamine have increased rapidly. Studies have proven that both of these activities lead to a downfall of testosterone – which in turn leads to lesser masculinity in modern men.

Having self-control over your actions is necessary to become a masculine man. However, the same applies to your relationships as well. How people perceive you is also based on your actions.

However, many men have less masculinity now because of how they let their emotions run free. While it’s true that you shouldn’t suppress it, letting it run free and reign control over your actions is also disastrous. 

This can be observed in conversations as well. Instead of pointlessly arguing with others with a heated tone of voice, use persuasive speaking skills to handle conflicts maturely.

Therefore, try to become emotionally disciplined by being a more realistic, logical, and rational man, not an emotional crybaby.

5. Surround Yourself With Other Masculine Men

Surround Yourself With Other Masculine Men

Your brotherhood defines you.

Taking care of your mindset and sharpening it should be a daily ritual. However, having a solid group of good friends oozing with masculinity should be a must for support. 

Having a group makes you thrive in a community where everyone has each other’s back and enjoys doing activities together.

This is why everyone fears the Peaky Blinders brothers, especially Thomas Shelby (a shining example of masculinity in men).

Conclusion: This World Needs More Strong Men

Now that you know what masculinity is and how to be a more masculine man, it’s time for you to start your grind. 

Set professional goals, work tirelessly to achieve them, and be the top G. Also, spend quality time with your family and loved ones, trying to lead them to greatness like a king.

However, don’t forget yourself. Train your body to become strong and attractive so that women find you irresistible. Eat healthy, and learn to navigate emotional disturbances with more logic. 

Welcome to the real world, kings.

More Resources:

For over 4+ years, Debamalya’s blogs in Voice of Action have been helping people reinvent themselves like Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. But what is the hack to this Secret Life of Walter Mitty? Taking S.M.A.R.T actions in this Pursuit of Happiness! After reading his blogs, you will find yourself looking inward for solutions for all problems in your life – emotional, physical, financial – you name it. He also has an ingenious way of playing The Witcher 3 and Sekiro as a form of “free therapy”.

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