Brilliant Ways To Set Up A Montessori-Friendly Home

Mony Shah Society 5 Mins Read
published on: 09 September 2023 last updated on: 11 September 2023
Montessori-Friendly Home

Are you looking for ways to make your home Montessori-friendly? As a parent, trying to figure out how to create an environment that encourages learning and independence can be overwhelming. We know the struggle! But don’t worry – we have good news! There are plenty of clever ideas and strategies to help you set up your house to accommodate the Montessori philosophy.

In this post, we want to share our favorite tips on transforming any space into one where learning blooms without much effort. If you’re ready, join us as we explore some creative approaches for making your living space more comfortable for children with different ages, abilities, needs, and preferences!

Nurture Your Child’s Development The Montessori Way

Montessori was developed over 100 years ago by Italian physician Maria Montessori. This teaching method revolves around the belief that children can learn at their own pace.

If you want to incorporate this lifestyle at home to supplement your kid’s learning experience, below are some tips you can follow:

Introduce Your Baby To A Montessori Home

Introduce Your Baby To A Montessori Home

Infants respond well to a Montessori environment, and you can start transitioning them as soon as they learn how to crawl.

Where to start:

  • Baby-proof your home to create an environment that allows them to move.
  • Use baby gates to safely create areas of exploration.
  • Put toys within reach and try putting their mattress on the floor so they can reach for them as soon as they wake up without a parent’s assistance.
  • Small tables and chairs are highly recommended instead of high chairs once your baby learns to sit.

As your baby grows, opt for toys and objects that allow them to use all their five senses. You may also make your own Treasure Box, consisting of wood, feathers, fur, leather, metals, and other natural materials. These will hone their senses but ensure they don’t pose a choking hazard.

Materials Should Be At Eye Level

One way to keep your child interested is by making everything accessible. For instance, their clothes, toys, and personal belongings should be at eye level so that they can easily access them.

The same goes for artwork or anything that will hone their creativity. You can put decals for windows on glass surfaces and ensure they have attractive designs. Exposing them to art and beauty at a young age is the best way to stimulate their mind.

Toys should also be put on low shelves, and it’s best if they’re not made of plastic. Start by sorting their toys in different bins or storage so they know where to return them once they’re done playing.

Create A Safe Learning Space

Children also need a space for learning and exploration. Fortunately, everyone can easily set this up at home.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Turn a spare room into their personal learning and exploration space.
  • Opt for furniture that’s functional and free from illustrations or other branding.
  • Put baskets or trays for an organization to be put on low-level shelves.

They can explore without distractions if their learning space is free from clutter. However, it doesn’t mean bare and white walls. As aforementioned, displaying artwork or putting window decals tied to their interests will inspire them to learn. It also doesn’t have to be expensive since you can cut pictures from magazines and put them in frames.

Seasonal Nature Trays

Like Treasure Boxes, seasonal nature trays allow your child to explore the different seasons by assembling items you’ve found outdoors. Include your children during these activities so that they understand where these things come from.

Some ideas you can try if you don’t know what to include in their nature trays:

  • Summer: Shells, flowers, herbs, small boats, starfish
  • Winter: Snow globe, evergreen branches, paper snowflakes
  • Fall: Small pumpkin, orange leaves, acorns, apples, gourds
  • Spring: Seeds, fake egg, green leaves, assorted flowers

Remember to double-check if these items contain choking hazards. Also, disinfect and clean the items thoroughly to prevent your child from getting sick in case they put it in their mouths.

Create A Cozy Space Where They Can Read

As your child grows and develops, they will be open to newer experiences aimed at elementary schoolers. It’s only natural to provide them with a comfortable space where they can read and write without any distractions.

Here are some tips on how to create a cozy reading corner:

  • Choose a quiet spot in your home, preferably near the window, for natural light.
  • Put pillows or beanbags so that your child can get cozy while reading.
  • Add more books to their shelves with more intriguing titles to spark their imaginations.

Adapt To Their Level Of Learning

School-aged children are more open to learning more advanced things, and you can nurture this by changing their toys for puzzles. Apart from books, other age-appropriate materials will keep them entertained. For instance, you can try classification cards, alphabet blocks, etc.

It’s also recommended to include your child in doing household tasks, such as cleaning and cooking. These activities will allow them to observe and learn how to engage and contribute to the activity.

The Importance Of Parental Guidance

Learning doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s important to remember that children need parental guidance when learning Montessori at home. Remember to be patient with your child as they explore the environment you created for them. Ensure you’re available throughout their learning journey – but don’t be a helicopter parent.

Observe and adapt accordingly without forcing them. Remove or add toys and activities as needed, especially if they’re overwhelmed or bored with the set-up. Apart from toys, performing real-life activities will teach them how to perform simple household chores, such as cleaning up after themselves or sweeping the floor.

A child’s learning capability starts from infancy to adulthood. By providing a Montessori-friendly home, you can initiate it as they embark on their journey of self-discovery and independence.

Be Open For More Learning The Montessori Way

Encourage your children to learn from an early age with a simple set-up. Getting them to explore is a crucial step for them to learn how to be independent. The Montessori way is based on children’s needs, and respect as they explore the world around them is paramount in their development. Remember our tips to ensure that your child’s learning experience is nothing short of inspiring.

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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