Keeping Safe From Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Lifestyle Arnab Dey Health & Fitness 31 March 2023 3 Mins Read
Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Some of the preventive actions an individual can take against mosquito-borne diseases are good riddance mosquito repellent which discourages insects and mosquitoes from attacking.

Due to mosquito-borne diseases rising caused by standstill water hence people should invest in bug spray. The outbreak of mosquitoes is caused by a lot of rain which eventually leads to the mosquitoes landing in the water and laying eggs.

One of the necessary precautions for residents is to drain and cover. This is applicable if people invest in planters, buckets, or birdbaths which are used to hold water which is later dumped regularly. Some of the items that often amass rainwater are litter cans, pool covers, gutters, and coolers.

It is more advisable to stay indoors when mosquitoes are rampant, and if necessary wear protective clothing, cover your skin and use a repellent. Mosquitoes are usually known to come out at dusk and night hence people are advised to wear the appropriate attire covering their arms and legs to prevent mosquito bites.

Using a natural repellent such as lemon eucalyptus oil is more advisable. For the people who love staying indoors invest in air conditioning and seal all the necessary holes.

Regardless of consistent rainfall, mosquitos take a considerable amount of time to reproduce let’s say an egg can take approximately three weeks maximum to develop into an adult.

If the rain goes away before that time, then the mosquito larvae are not in a position to survive hence they cannot reach the adult stage.

If an individual experiences a mosquito bite, it is important that they monitor the bite for some time let’s say 10 days to avoid mosquito-borne diseases.

If a person is infected they will start experiencing symptoms such as nausea, headache, and fatigue. It is important to seek medical assistance to ensure that you are not infected with mosquito-borne illnesses.

Here Are Four Prime Steps To Keep Safe From Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Other preventive measures you can implore against mosquitos include the following:

1. Removing Mosquito Habitats

  • Ensuring that you eliminate stand-still water in plastic covers, rain gutters, buckets, and any other equipment that mosquitos can breed easily.
  • Often change and empty the water in potted plant trays, bird baths, wading pools, fountains, and rain barrels a minimum once a week to destroy any potential habitats.
  • Draining temporary pools of water with dirt.
  • Keeping pools well treated and circulating.

2. Using Appropriate Pesticides

  • Controlling larvae by removing mosquito habitats
  • Controlling mosquitoes using insecticides.

3. Using Structural Barriers

  • Sealing all gaps in windows, walls, and doors to inhibit mosquitos from invading.
  • Ensuring all the doors and windows are in good condition.
  • Investing in baby carriers and nets in beds.

4. Protecting Yourself 

  • If there is a mosquito-borne illness warning, it is advisable to stay indoors.
  • Cover exposed skin to keep off mosquitos by wearing protective clothing.
  • Use a natural repellent and read guidelines and precautions closely.
  • Avoiding areas whereby mosquitoes are more rampant like overgrown thickets near the house and areas where the ground is wet or moist.


One preventative measure used to control the spread of mosquito-borne illness is the elimination of mosquitos and their prevalent breeding sites.

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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