New Yorkers Are Petitioning To Remove Andrew Cuomo: Is It A Success Yet?

harsha sharma News 05 October 2023 2 Mins Read
Andrew Cuomo
  • People of New York have started petitions to remove Andrew Cuomo from office
  • Sexual harassment of employees, dishonesty surrounding the deaths at nursing home
  • “New Bail Law” listed as one of the reasons for the governor to be removed from office 

After nearly 2 lakh signatures on the petition, the people of New York have been successful in removing Andrew Cuomo from office. His fall from grace came a month ago when the allegations of sexual harassment surfaced. 

Currently, the former governor is facing a lawsuit by a State Police investigator who has accused him of inappropriate touching and sexual harassment. Details of the lawsuit reveal that the investigator was assigned to his protective detail. 

The former secretary of the governor and a former senior advisor were also dismissed as defendants by a federal judge. Melissa DeRosa and Richard Azzopardi, respectively, were accused of aiding and abetting the ex-governor’s misconduct. 

Cuomo was accused of sexually harassing 11 women, including several former aides. The current lawsuit is one out of the two federal lawsuits Cuomo is facing, in connection to his misconduct. 

A week later the governor had resigned over the allegations. However, he has been disputing these allegations, raising questions on his glory days during the COVID-19 pandemic. The trooper’s allegations have been one of the most damaging accusations against the former governor. 

The governor has been accused of playing a role in the transfer of the trooper to his protective detail. The governor has since denied playing any role in the trooper’s transfer to the special unit. 

Cuomo’s former secretary was accused of dissuading a leading publication from publishing a story on the trooper’s transfer to the protective detail. “With each passing day more information comes to the surface — and none of it comes close to telling the true story.” 

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Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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