E-commerce SEO Audit: Checklist To Do It Right

Technology Sumona SEO 21 April 2023 5 Mins Read
SEO Audit

The right steps to take in your e-commerce audit process depend on the checklists you will follow. This is where a better knowledge and understanding of SEO becomes crucial.

What is e-commerce SEO?

Well, it is almost the same for the other sites but a bit more tricky and confusing. An ecommerce site is difficult to update and needs constant follow-ups to pick the consumers from the market. The process of making the ecommerce site visible in the search engine and its ranking factors is called ecommerce SEO.

However, here we will focus on the SEO audit process to overcome the ecommerce website traffic issues.

Right Steps To Do Ecommerce SEO Audit

Different forms of SEO, like keyword optimization, is also a viable solution to the ecommerce SEO process. However, the whole thing is not as easy as for the other sites.

The pressure is high, and the people working behind this are professionals and experts in the process.

Now, what is an ecommerce SEO audit?

This is where the audit word comes into our mind, and we start thinking about taking revenues like the general audit process. Well, this is no different, but the purpose is the same to track the performance of the ecommerce website and then understand where things are going right and where they are wrong.

Well, some particular steps will help you here to go for a professional audit process for your ecommerce website.

Review The Analytics Setup

This is a project of data that needs proper configuration. Well, tracking the appropriate data is only possible through Google Analytics and Search Console.

Here you will get world data to understand the matrix like revenue, sales, and traffic.

Gather SEO Tools

You need to consider proper SEO tools to gather all information and also generate practices.

  • Site Crawler.
  • Keyword Research Tools.
  • Organizational Tools.

Site crawlers like Ahrefs will help you to get data from other sites. Apart from that, Keyword Research Tools may help you generate better keywords altogether. Now it’s time to organize all your data in online sheets for better analysis.

Completing Technological SEO

Better SEO optimization is possible through technological instances. With tools, you are now open to using those as much as possible and considering the traffic on your website.

However, with the technical process, you will be able to understand some key problems like website bloat, streamlining pages, and existing content optimization.

Go For A Content Audit

Going for the content audit is always the most important part of the SEO optimization process.

Starting from the keyword strategy to creating metadata, all come under the content strategies. Remove outdated and duplicate content from your website through an audit to boost performance.

Review The Results

This is where you need to work on the poor areas of your ecommerce website to bring back traffic again. Go for the easy ones first because time is crucial.

Apart from that, try to work with the things that you already have with you. After that, when the traffic starts increasing, focus on your other priorities.

Why Is An E-Commerce SEO Audit Important?

An ecommerce SEO audit is a viable and the only possible solution to bring success to your ecommerce website. There is nothing else as an option available in the market.

If you have followed the auditing process properly, then you will get these benefits on stage. There is no doubt that an e-commerce audit is fruitful for all website owners, and it becomes more feasible when it comes to an ecommerce website.

Well, if you are running behind with constant upgrades and changes, then you need a proper auditing process to increase your reach and revenue. Let’s check out how an ecommerce audit is going to be fruitful for you this year.

Improved Conversion Rates

With improved search engine performance, you will be able to increase the conversion rate as well. The conversion rate is the purchasing ratio of the public who are visiting your website.

Bringing traffic is a source of solution to bringing revenue.


Well, the more people visit your ecommerce website will create the chance of people getting attracted to your products and services and ultimately going for the purchase. So, it’s a process of better SEo management to convert the audience to customers.

Increased Traffic

If your website is not performing well with SEO, then it will not be ranked at the top of the search engine.

Do we have enough time to go to the bottom of the pages and select our preferences?

No! We better consider the first 5 or 10 sites and then choose the particular one of them to mitigate the thirst of our online pushing behavior.

This is where an ecommerce SEO audit will help you be at the top of the search engine list and also create the chances of bringing more audience to the suite, which is the traffic.

Lower Marketing Costs

The marketing cost counts on the strategies of your business. It is not possible for all businesses to follow the same kind of strategy and also thrive in the market with success.

But you need to follow some unique strategies to create a better business altogether. In this competitive market, being unique is very crucial. When you are willing to deal with the instances of marketing better, you might want to invest more in the market to ensure better SEO optimization.

However, this is not always the case for businesses, but with SEO audits, you can understand where you are paying more unnecessarily and where you are paying less.

This is how you will be able to balance your marketing cost with better benefits altogether.

Competitive Advantage

If you get an ecommerce website audit, creating a competitive edge in the market will be possible for you.

When you know that your ecommerce website is fully dependent on its visibility, then you will need to consider the competitors in the market. However, without the auditing process, you will not be able to understand where you have poor performance and especially why.

Apart from that, a higher return on investment is the only purpose of investing in your e-commerce website audit process.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow my more contributions in EmblemWealth and Newsstoner

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