Identifying Common Defects In Leather And How To Overcome Them

Arnab Dey Business 28 February 2022 4 Mins Read
Defects In Leather

Leather, in essence, is a beautiful fabric material that has been used for more than thousands of years – and for good reasons too. It’s naturally gorgeous, tough, and can be used to create almost anything and everything, especially when it comes to dressing. 

However, like everything else, leather isn’t perfect as well. Sometimes, it can come with defects, which, in turn, can affect the quality of the end product pretty exponentially. 

In this article, we will discuss the prevalent issues that cause defects in leather and how to take care of them properly. Let’s get started! 

Common Defects In Leather

Common Defects In Leather

According to a leather manufacturer, the issues of defects in leather can be caused due to various reasons. Here’s what you need to know about them. 

1. While The Animal Is Alive 

The hide of an animal can be damaged, even when they are alive and thriving. The following are a few of the reasons partake in this aspect. 

i. Scars 

The issue of scar damage usually occurs due to cuts and scratches on the body of the animal. In some cases, the practice of branding the animal can also affect the skin to some extent. You can find this type of scar in the butt area, which, in truth, is the best section of the hide. 

ii. Tick Infestation 

Before sucking out the blood from an animal, ticks tend to make a hole in the skin. It usually looks like a pinprick or minor scars in the grain section of the leather. This type of defect generally occurs in the belly section of the animal’s skin. 

iii. Cockle 

Cockle frequently occurs in wooly animals like sheep immediately prior to shearing. It looks like hard spots and often varies in size or shape. Due to the graveness of the injury, you cannot clear or eliminate it during the leather manufacturing period. 

iv. Infection 


Usually, an infection caused by ringworm tends to heal and leaves no scars on the hide of an animal. However, if it’s slaughtered during this period, a shade of grain generally occurs at the site of the infection. It can vary in size and cause improper flaying. 

2. Damage Caused After Death 

The leather material can get damaged even after the animal has died. Keep reading to know more about this aspect. 

i. Extreme Sunlight Exposure 

The sunlight is known as the arch-nemesis of leather – and for good reasons too. If you keep the module under the sunlight for too long, its color will get changed entirely. Besides, it might also look a little worn and old. 

ii. Stains 

It’s a pretty typical scenario – you or someone in your family spills a little bit of liquid on your leather. It will not affect the quality of the product instantly. However, if you keep it like that for a prolonged period, it might cause stains in the leather. 

iii. Changes In Temperature 

Damage might also occur if you are considering moving the piece of leather from a warm place to a cold one instantly. Like the issue of sunlight exposure, it can change the color of the material and affect the strength of the hide. 

How Can You Fix The Issue Of The leather?

How Can You Fix The Issue Of The leather

There are three things that you can use to take care of your leather material. Keep reading to find out more in this regard. 

1. Using A Leather Cleaner 

If you want to take care of the stain issues, using a leather cleaner should be the right course of action for you. Besides, it can clean out other issues like grimes, oil, and other harsh spots. 

2. Baby Or Olive Oil 

Does your leather material have a small tear or scratch? Well, there’s no need to despair. You can take care of the same by using baby or olive oil. Make sure to apply the oil lightly in the affected area with a cotton ball, and allow the same to dry up a little. 

3. Leather Restoration Kit 

If the exterior of your leather material has started to look a little weathered, you will need to use a leather restoration kit on it. It, in turn, will moisturize the leather material a little and protect the same from any further damage.

Final Thoughts 

So, what do you think of our guide to identifying the common defects of leather? Did you like it? Or, do you want to change something? Make sure to tell us all about it in the comment below. 

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Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow Voice Faction.

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