What Does LGBTQ+ Stand For?

LGBTQ+ is the short form for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning or queer, and the movement focused on helping people belonging to these communities to get equal rights.

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It was the 18th-19th European century era when same-sex preferences or cross-dressing were highly looked down upon.

Discovery Of The LGBTQ community

Formation Of The Movement

The LGBTQ+ movement was initially started to reduce the oppression done to gay people and to provide them with basic human rights.

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As of now, the United Nations Human Rights Council claimed that people opposing LGBTQ+ movements might violate some pro-LGBT rights.

LGBT Rights At Present

Is It Possible To Support LGBTQ+ Rights

Yes, it is feasible to be a part of the movement by listening to the youth, becoming an inclusive role model and creating safe spaces for LGBT people.