Mony Shah

What Are Social Movements & Why Does The World Need Them?

Voice of action

Orange Lightning

Social reformations or activities are collaborative efforts by the people of a particular city, country, or region that focus on bringing social changes.

What Are Social Movements?

Orange Lightning

Social movements are caused by several factors: – Economic Disruption, Inflation, and Rise Of Prices – Oppression Against A Particular Community – Interrupting Cultural Norms or Changes In The Environment.

Causes Of Social Demonstrations

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In order to curb the negative impacts of some of them, social movements emerged on the surface, and 65% of them were successful!

Are Social Movements Needed?

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– Political Unrests Demanding End Of Political Oppression – Civil Unrests Opposing Acts Of Violence – Revolutionary Protests Aiming To Bring A Revolution

Different Types Of Social Unrest

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March for Our Lives, Black Lives Matter, Juneteenth Protests, MeToo Movement, Boston Tea Party, and Anti-Austerity are some remarkable social movements.

Some Notable Social Protests