Begging Of The Movement: Greece Under Debt!

In 2009, Greece was declared to have ample debt for running a deficit of over 13% of global domestic products found in the country.

Protests In Thessaloniki and Athens

In this regard, several demonstrations and marches took place in Thessaloniki and Athens on May Day, which were conducted by several unions, anarchists, and left-wing supporters.

Anti-Austerity Cairo Inspiration In 2011

Cairo’s Tahrir Square motive inspired the reformation in 2011 after what happened in Spain. Anti-Austerity’s second mobilization wave rose as the Aganaktismeni movement came into existence.

Lessons To Learn From The Movement

A major drawback of anti-Austerity was that it lacked financial support, unlike conventional institutions such as trade unions.

It Is Crucial To Leverage Structure In Activism

A handful of anti-austerity elements leveraged the structure efficiently. For future protests, there could be efforts to assign small responsibilities to primary activists.