LGBTQ+ Rights In The 21st Century: The Journey Of The Marriage Equality Movement

It is not easy to grow up as a lesbian, bisexual, or gay kid- trust me, society makes it very difficult. And if, as a kid, you have discovered your sexual orientation and preferences, boy- things are never going to be the same.
But is it something wrong? Absolutely not! Many just like you have long been threatened or bullied just because they had a “different” sexual preference, which is why LGBTQ+ Rights came into existence.
LGBTQ+ is the short form for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning or queer. Let’s get into a bit more detail in this comprehensive guide.
Common Definitions Related To LGBTQ
- Lesbian: Women who prefer another woman for building a romantic relationship are known as lesbians. Sometimes, they are also referred to as gay women or just gay.
- Gay: Gay is an adjective describing individuals who endure physical, emotional, or romantic attraction to individuals of a similar sex. Gay is just a masculine term for lesbians.
- Bisexual: Bisexuals are a bit different from lesbians and gays because their sexual preferences aren’t limited to just one. They might be attracted to the same as well as different genders. Bisexuals do not have to necessarily have sexual experiences to recognize their preferences.
- Transgender: The term “Transgender” has vivid meanings. Firstly, it points to people who have a different sex at present than what they had at birth. On the other hand, some transgenders also undergo surgeries to align their bodies with their gender preference.
- Queer: Queer is basically an adjective some people use when their sexual orientation is more than straight or heterosexual. The term might sometimes include gender-fluid or nonbinary people, too.
- Questioning: Last but not least, we have individuals who are still not too sure about their sexual preferences. The Q in LGBTQ is used interchangeably for queer and questioning.
Going Back To LGBTQ+ Rights and Discovery
We all are more or less aware that people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community are not too welcome. And there were so many instances where they were unnecessarily targeted, leading to a few murders, too.
It was the 18th-19th European century era when same-sex preferences or cross-dressing were highly looked down upon. Ancient and Modern Pederasty Investigated and Exemplify’d of 1749 might be one of the first pieces ever written for defending homosexuality.
Jeremy Bentham, a social reformer by profession, penned down the initial argument when homosexual laws were reformed in 1785 in England.
In vivid ways, the attitude towards homosexuality started getting more hostile as the Victorian era arrived. So, if you think that the LGBT attitude is a current problem, you might be wrong!
It is nearly impossible to define the prehistory of the movement. Several historians are of the opinion that same-sex or homosexual love has pieces of evidence in every culture.
Influence of countries on forming an altogether different community…
There has been evidence of homosexuality existing in ancient Israel and that it was prohibited in the Christian culture. Irrespective of the fact, LGBT activism flourished in Ancient Greece, urging men and women to alter their mindsets.
Other studies suggest that every single person has once lived life as a different gender than what they were during birth. Haven’t we come across terms like “Two-Spirit” and “female-husbands” in ancient songs?
After these facts started grounding up, the Western countries tend to have a larger impact on LGBTQ+ rights.
Europen and North American impacts…
Then came Europe and North American countries, which left no stone unturned in igniting the fire. Native American or North African cultures accepted same-sex love.
This, obviously, had to shock European invaders at a time when homosexuality wasn’t too celebrated. Next, we know there were sodomy laws which had the power of suing homosexuals.
From outfits to culture, both these nations had an impeccable impact on activism, which is rarely talked about.
LGBT Rights At Present
More than 37% of people globally believe that gay rights clash with the freedom of speech of an individual. But trust me, it has got nothing to do with that or the ability to operate churches or charitable organizations.
In 2023, the United Nations Human Rights Council claimed that people opposing LGBTQ+ movements might violate some pro-LGBT rights. Freedom of religion, in some manner, secures LGBTQ rights and saves people from religious oppression.
Some research suggests that Non-Protestant Christians might support homosexual unions in comparison to Protestants. It has been summed up that 63% of African Americans are either Protestant or Baptist.
On the flip side, 30% of Americans, who are also white, are in the protests’ favor. Jews tend to reflect liberal attitudes tremendously, which could be a result of not systematically condemning homosexual approaches.
A List Of Countries and Implementation Of LGBTQ+ Rights
Rights impacting the LGBT people differ largely by jurisdictions or countries. It encompasses everything from some countries declaring death penalties for same-sex marriage to legal recognition for it.
As of 2024, more than 36 nations have recognized homosexual marriages. On the other hand, countries like Afghanistan and Iran have the strictest rules against people opting for homosexual marriages.
The death penalty in these two countries is officially lawful, but they are not practiced usually. Nations like Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, and Somalia are free from such laws.
A few LGBT people have also experienced extrajudicial killings in the Chechnya region of Russia. 15 other nations have mandated penalties for adultery, gay marriages, and same-sex indulgence.
In 2011, the first resolution for LGBT rights was recognized by the United Nations Human Rights Council. After the report was issued, the U.N. urged all nations to enact regulations that protect the basic rights of LGBT.
Another study of 2022 depicted that LGBT activism was correlated to incidences of HIV and AIDS reported by bisexual and gay men. As per the Equaldex Equality Index of 2023, Nordic countries like Canada, Uruguay, and Chile have the right LGBT laws in place.
How to Get Involved and Support LGBTQ+ Rights?
We often mix society with everyone except the people around us. But who is the society? Who makes up these laws? Who stigmatizes a set of people and idolizes others? It is us! Unless we make an initiative to support the LGBT community, there would be no difference made to society. Here are some ways to do it:
Hear what the youth says!
One of the foremost things adults can do to support LGBT activism is to listen to the youth. We all must be patient enough to hear and take lessons from the youth.
A 2012 survey conducted by HRC pointed out that over 10,000 LGBTQ+ youth focused on their experiences and how society shows no empathy towards them.
It is important to remember that the community is diverse. You might support the Transgender community but not others. So, be mindful of every little statement you pass!
Become an inclusive role model
Nine out of ten respondents in a 2013 survey said not to tolerate any type of hateful speech. Whenever you hear statements that are anti-LGBTQ, you must stand up against them.
The youth today are focused on equality, and they prioritize it more than anything else. 74% of them have already reported incidents that were either race-based harassment or bullying due to sexual preferences.
It is important to reap benefits from multiple resources and get as many opinions as possible.
Curate safe spaces!
It is indeed very sad to hear that LGBTQ+ rights are not as protected as they should be. People have been found quoting that the world around them “is not safe.”
At a local level, each one of us can make an effort to restrict anti-LGBT people. Comments that are insensitive must not be tolerated if we really want to make a difference.
Always open doors for sharing resources with youth who have great experiences of violence or harassment. In case you are working as a counselor, teacher or social worker, be sure to take a stand whenever necessary.
Support authentic people around you
Finally, it’s time we start encouraging enthusiastic and genuine people around us. Let’s make an effort to unmute people and encourage them to express themselves freely.
Unless they talk openly about the struggles they have dealt with, we as a society, would be able to make no effort. Making assumptions or passing comments that are unnecessary should be put to an end.
The Bottom Line
The journey of equality for the LGBT community has not witnessed much of a difference from the primitive era. There are still stigmas related to gay, lesbian or transgenders, and some countries restrict their marriages, too.
Undoubtedly, we might be able to witness transphobic or homophobic legislation passing through some authoritative boards. Collaborative efforts from all nations will make the dream of a happy and safe world possible.
And it’s a wrap on this article. If you know someone who belongs to the community, share this with them and let them know their LGBTQ+ rights. Until then, happy reading!
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